
Hydrogen 3, actually - I'm told that's why we're going back to the moon...so those lousy aliens don't bogart it all.

...ummmmm, cameras?

I was shadowing a very big, fast semi, south bound Hwy 395 in the Sierras late at night one time in my Lotus Cortina...we were chatting on the CB when all of a sudden he cried out "Shit! Got him!"

And then the animation started and all the cool was sad...

Competition....it's a beautiful thing.

What is it with you and rust?

meh - truck makes a turn it was designed to do...wow...

So you're ok with routine the '100 most awesome jaw-dropping NSFW shocking bat-shit crazy worst ways to never do or don't do the over the top incredibly amazing daytime or nighttime or anytime flaming righteous things you must MUST must read right fucking farking sucking now, and hold on to your nads sit down first so

I used to read it for the organics. Now that gawker runs the show, I'm just here waiting for it to go back to it's roots.

I take it you're here to promote click-baiting, then?

I live next door to him and he's very much alive. In fact, he just told me that you're not.

Click-bait bullshit. Power, like altitude is your friend. Please stop wasting your time with these non-stories, thanks.

I lived there for 6 years...worked in R&D at Samsung w/company car. The few times I used trains they were strictly wild west, with people using standing room and sleeping on your seat back, etc. Line cutting is the rule when it comes to getting in or out. If they aren't crowded, it's because the locals fear for their

Seoul may put on a pretty face, but when there is an accident, safety goes out the window - it does _not_belong on this list. Ride at your own risk.

And in the category of 'Most Flowing Gasoline Injector in a supporting role', we have the following nominees...

Clear - note the deal and hardware I originally got into has changed for new comers, so shop around.

However, there's conflicting, outdated information being cited to fuel this latest round of reports.

I hope they cater the unveiling with peanut-butter-and-banana sandwiches and big handfuls of pills.

Because the sink in the fender self-drains onto the roadway when closed back up. You don't want to be cleaning pheasant and have all that blood drain onto your wingtips, now do you?

Look for transparency - does it just work or is it a nag.