
Not nearly as obscure as something that only exists on paper...

Gag Gag rusted hulk for $500?

My Aunt had a car back in the '50s that had a speed alert buzzer - she'd set it and told the kids the car could tell when someone was misbehaving - whenever the kids in the back seat started in on each other she'd speed up so it went off. Spooky car that one...

I already tried, and for $500 I'll keep looking for something that isn't a parts car in waiting, thanks.

Pure rust bucket.

GEV too big an acronym for you?

Same as a race car driver....could have been me - glad it wasn't me.

Russian GEVs FTMFW

That, or it's the one that shot down those two military aircraft over the last week.

My favorite airbags are the ones that do not explode and fire shrapnel at me. Unfortunately, those were the kinds of airbags made by Japanese supplier Takata.

Saturn Hellcat Miata

Fork yeah!

"Self-driving cars, remain a long-way from commercial reality." Ghosn said. "They are suitable only for tightly-controlled road-environments, at slow speeds, and face a regulatory minefield."

Let's use the default jalopnik unit of measure, shall we?

I believe, Lord 'o Might Ford, I believe!

One scenario is that the Russian Military was told to take it down as soon as it crossed the border because it had been hyjacked and was intended to be flown into a major Russian city and purposely crashed.

A good repair manual for their particular car will be an investment that will repay many times over. eBay is a great source for the better detailed factory manuals, but most auto stores have the token paper bound Chiltons, etc.