
Hello, 911 - what's your emergency?

That four-hour, three day work week looks pretty sweet, too. Oh, and I like that there's still the threat of a kid getting a backhand to the face even in this Utopian future.

Keep Austin Weird Away From Me.

They were grabbing the victim's wallet, no doubt - must be a team.

We all know that calling any BMW owner 'one cold ****' is redundant.

It won't be pretty...

Hold on while I look that up...

Live to race - Race to live...

While we shouldn't give any 16-year-old who likes cars a new Ferrari, we can do better than a Ford Taurus.

"OK, Boeing says they will give us free lobster and Starbucks for life if we drop Airbus and go with them...any ideas on how we can get out of our current contract...anyone? Bueller?"

It only happened if you used both at the same time...played hell on the flasher unit and took me a while to figure out.

My new hero!

You know what they say... "당신이 더 빠르게 직전을"

The 60's called, and while it seemed they had a hard time trying to focus, they basically said they want their box back, so jump to it, please/thanks.

There go Apple's chances of replacing MS on the FOMOCO dash...

The one story that finally begs for an animated gif, and we get this?

Update: Scouting mission is underway...

Several tiny parachutes were seen overhead just before the crash. Tiny safety personnel on scene are still looking for any tiny survivors, but there is little hope.

That's perfect, thanks!