
And you know that trailhawk was a poser out there.

You go in packs because you know someone will need help being dragged over the rough spots and/if you break down.

That would be a wheelie-lift bar then ...thanks for breaking the illusion :)

You didn't write anything at all. I said I'd guess, and you said you drove it around for two weeks, so...

These stories should include hours spent as part of the final run down. I'll guess ( and not speculate on how much insurance and paperwork cost).

'37 Buick - complete w/dowager hump & white tires

You look'n at me, truck?

Yeah, baby...

So it started life as a porsche, then?

So why are you picking on four smooth-seated Ferraris?

They swap cars? Why not just make the driver get out and push the car around the track once the battery depletes for cripe's sake.

What about truck stop hookers? Where will they go?

:) There are rumors they had a team of gaffers running along under the car to help keep it it up, that were removed in post...

They loaded the trunk of that Charger with cinder blocks to help lever the front in the air in the early FFs. Not being able to steer for 100 feet is one thing - running handtruck style for 1320 is another.

Be careful out there...

Same as the JCT if you notice the edits in the video... Why do you think it was partnered with other rigs.

BFD - this is the same route a guy filmed while driving a Crown Vic a while back.

Remember, Sterling is a bit of a trickster when it comes to advice. Rumor has it he used to leave the bar early the night before a race, loudly claiming a good night's sleep was key to his success.

Is the mine sweeper attachment still available?