
This is what happens when you agree to pay for bigger boobs...

The drone's injuries were sustained while trying to escape...

NHRA 2014 regs...

Not 'the ten most'....just ten you arbitrarily cherry picked from the recent poll in hopes of stirring the pot.

When AI/GV like this comes to mobile HUD to help flee the police during a high speed chase let us know.

I had an '85 Turbo Coupe - tweaked the boost limiter circuit so I got 12# boost in all five gears, added methanol injection and raised all sorts of hell on the street. I'm running 10% OD/14# boost on my '90 Super Coupe Anny and the dream lives on.

'dated'? ...pretty sure there was more going on if it led to you. Just don't try to tell me the backseat in that thing was part of the process, unless you're a family of little people.

Ford Thunderbird Super Coupe

The single clearest tell for any sociopath like you is when they jump to blaming the victim.

These one from column A and one from column B topics continue to meh.

The real money will be on odds for how long this will take. My money is on less than 5 minutes for a social engineered crack coming in first.

A modern small mid-engined german car?

Since when does expecting a product you bought to work as advertised, a handout? Your quickness to devalue human life thru spun up rhetoric is what's wrong with corporations in this country today. I hope you gag on the money you take to troll forums like this.

And yet Herbie TLB starred in a series of big screen action comedys.

Understood - good info, thanks.

I've been thinking lately of moving there - any area(s) you'd recommend, specifically?

Looks like a typical display window/door - the original door is gone on purpose, for safety while ogled.

Because those southern runways are so sweet when the get slippery...

Yes...love it there - have you ever been to Portland?

I'd expect this kind of wacko in Portland, but Salem....really?