
C'mon, Doug...don't keep holding it in. Why not tell us how you really feel about all this chatter?

Arrest? More like not wanting those wheels confiscated for street racing...

See how happy 'mericans make others, eh? You're welcome. I mean you're welcome, eh?

Name calling is the best you can do, eh? Thanks for waving the white flag with clusters on it.

The '48 Chrysler Astoria Clown Car with 4wd, backwards body and family grit will give it a run for it's money on all levels.

de-coking...when you positively need to show the boss you're doing something.

Do you think Scion would have been more successful if it wasn't confined to a Toyota dealership?

90% of those 'yotas are there to act as spares...

Sure, mindset....let's go with that. When I travel overseas to a country that isn't all that US friendly, all I have to do is add 'eh?' to my sentences and listeners automatically conclude I'm from the frozen north. Then they point and laugh.

Some manufs. add a clear plastic-like shield section there that aids in cleaning...some, not all.

Lists are made to keep books tidy, not just to clear them off.


Maybe they parked it too close to an Italian tanning lamp...

No, it's a polite way of saying canuks speak funny and why everyone points and laughs when they say 'blah, blah eh?'...

Yes, figuring he wrote one of his articles is most likely a pretty safe bet...

As a Tesla shareholder, I want to thank the company for a 413% gain.

Like I said, Americans understand that canadians, at best, demonstrate weak conversational ability.

Driver's voicing displeasure on the radio, similar to power outages when squirrels troll power lines, isn't new. Paying attention, for some, apparently is.

Versatility? 'mericans talk straight and don't need insecure verbal ticks to keep their place in a conversation.

I'll wait for the Hello Kitty version where the car changes gender due to excess estrogen in it's fuel.