
Maybe if you clarified what your main concern here is? There can be the beginning of gangs everywhere you look, from grade school playgrounds to tagged fences - seeing it manifested online can't be new, so...what is it that bothers you, exactly, other than the general gang-cancer foodchain?

After seven years in NASCAR, Juan Pablo Montoya came back to IndyCar this year. And this weekend he came back with a vengeance.

Apparently a recently cocaine-fueled joke, no less...you've good lawyers, right?

Not the same, but what's going to happen is an all out legal brawl over licensing of everything from diecasts to cozys, with the big ticket item being broadcast rights, where the owners hope they will eventually be in the driver's seat and NASCAR will be begging to give them carloads of money.

1 mil and no mention of armor? ........

Wouldn't that better be seen as 'jalopnik,eh?.ca'...?

It's not the ATMs, it's the '80s tech cards. We don't need new ATMs...we do need new cards. The US banking system is dragging it's feet compared to the rest of the world.

Not a bad looking ass for 65...

Just because someone buys something like alcohol, tobacco, jello, tea bags or AllerClear doesn't mean they are the consumer.

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2. ) They have optional hard rubber street treads/pads that take most of the pain out of that particular driving requirement.

You said 'expendable' - so what happened? Clearly the video was retrieved...so what happened to the drone already?

Aren't you paying attention? They flew right into the river....

Sorry if I missed it...where is the oil field mockup?

Our '68 T-Bird was close enough..

Show me a kid that needs any kind of excuse to wreck a car ...

My money is on parking valet...

What do you call 100 GM engineers chained at the neck and thrown into the ocean?

You mean SoYung?