
You mean charp chort?

You mean ch'eby?

Sounds like a floating bomb to me...

Names are an issue when trying to avoid foot-in-mouth mistakes in translation or prior use. Getting the pronunciation right is way down on the list of concerns, otherwise. Hyundai has no worries these days, do they...

Meh. If it was that big of a concern, Chevrolet would have failed decades ago.

If only they'd used the internet first...

#11 - Don't learn to drive using the internet. Much like swimming, you need to get into the water to learn, not chat up pixels on a screen.

What is your opinion of Mary Barra?

What's he got to lose compared to Tesla, who is looking to make nice with the biggest market in the world, not sour. I hold Tesla stock and hope they don't make the same mistake again...if it's not already a problem.

I'm sure he can afford it, just like the padded price for that Tesla. He had an issue and he fought back in the public eye... "snapping photos of the destruction and sending them out to a variety of Chinese media outlets." What would you do...smile and let them off the hook? Not likely. At least he didn't torch it

Let's say you arrange to buy a new car for a new grad and there is a big party and everyone is there, but no car....your disappointment and embarrassment, coupled with wondering if you'd been misled by some car dealer, would be tough to handle, no?

Is there anything more subtly perfect than a Silver Porsche 356? It might not possess the visual drama of a Jaguar E-Type or a Ferrari Lusso, but there's something that's just so right about a 356. There's isn't a single detail that's out of place.

Shit happens and then you lose. Better luck next year! ...loser.

Solution looking for a problem - Having a nest already means it's been learning/training and taking action pre-need, so while this seemingly promotes MB, it knocks the very capable (we own one an love it) nest thermostat down a level by working on a manual level. The idea is to have smarter devices that don't need

Waiting for the obligatory "This issue has the potential to blow up in their face if they're not careful..." quip.

Let us revisit a bit of what Porsche's why-waste-the-footage-happy/sad-dance video was actually celebrating...

Audi great winner

There are several platitudes and a few random haikus that can help you with your anger management, so just let it all out...

I can't wait for Audi to win again next year. It will feel just as good as it does right now.

Would you like a little cheese w/your whine, loser?