
Sounds pretty good, then. If you know about anything we missed, or about good livestreams out there, let us know in the comments below.

Losers always make excuses and blame others.....and then they die.

[Full disclosure: Audi invited us to Le Mans and payed for our flights and accommodation at the track. They also lent us cars and their VIP passes took care of the beverages. We, on the other hand brought them luck. With a double victory, it really was a win-win.]

The funny thing is that the Toyota and the Porsche can do the same, but nobody will remember that.

Losing comes in many forms, but lament in only one. ....cry that river.

An ass smart enough to celebrate the winner is always on the right side of celebration.

Dude....they were so full of themselves thinking they'd pull off a win they had that video ready to go and instead of waste all that effort$$ and sit in the shadows they pretended to be good sports about - totally weak.

Allow me to vaguely quote Mr. Cooper:

Pretty insipid script if you ask me. Audi won (nice job!)...everyone else can shud'up and suck it.

When you climb in an close the doors....does it smell as good inside as it looks outside?

Speaking (pun!) of grief, ask Siri "where is a good place to dispose of a body?" She seems a bit less motherly in that context and gets right down to business...

And it's a helluva lot better than an iPad stuck to a broomstick and a skateboard.

Is was either that or "La destruction complète par le feu n'est pas autorisé!"


Very good 1st hand detective work, but you know now that if you die in that 'maro because the air bags/ABS didn't work, someone will say you caused it....not GM :)

I'm not convinced you grasp the scale of Mustang forks that can be made by owners....ever. A trip to Fab Fords in Los Angeles or a weekend at Carlisle will help to calibrate your relative conceptuality, I think. Hint...there are millions of Mustangs out there.

>road-going lighthouse

Jumped onto the freeway a couple days back, and when I hit the bottom of the onramp, a new Camaro on my left was suddenly on the brakes and signaling to move into my lane - I sped up to encourage him to drop in behind me...when that was done, I noticed flashing red lights on a motorcycle tight on his bumper.

UPDATE: Despite the misleading tweet above, it sounds like they brought in a new tub and built a new car from all the parts they had on hand.

I had a regular XR4Ti, but my friend decided to build his own red Cossie, importing a 4WD Cosworth block and bits and that in-your-face-giant rear wing. 500HP was plenty to push it down the road.