
Let us know when Duplo tweets a shot of a Czech woman with a train in her vajaja...

Long ago, there were these things that were called 'record stores'. 'Tower Records' was once well known, but things changed and even tho the record industry fought back, we have a different ruling model today and Tower's brick/mortar presence has faded into history.

'mashup' is an overused and outdated reference. Same with 'trick' and 'coolest', unless gawker is targeting an over.the.horizon demographic, I guess :)

"OMG!!! This thing almost did this other thing!!"

....thereby forcing us to work harder to decide if you're actually saying anything worth reading. Please rethink that bargain if you want us to not skip the next one, thanks.

Haas released a statement saying how pleased he was with the decision and the chance to bring an American team back to the sport.

So....guilty before being proved innocent, then.

I think the pool of minds still not convinced about what could be proved in terms of a GM cover-culture is getting smaller every day now. The only thing left to do is decide how many culprits are headed for the dock.

Bunch of wonks that get to $elf-rehire based on things that can't be disproved and always need more study because they say so - of course they're happy.

Hollywood cares not that you think they care not....they only care that you looked and remembered, so....mission o'complished and thanks for playing.

"emotion has always been at the heart of our heritage and genes."

The 'modern GM' is acting like Cleavon Little in Blazing Saddles, holding himself hostage and treating to shoot if the angry crowd doesn't move back "Get back or the old GM gets it!!"

Or, a gigafactory (or two or three) could target grid storage in 'merica and cars could be a by-product...

They could have tried going under the car, but the risk to the hose is presumed to be higher....so...yes, when charged and that close to the hydrant, the hose finds it's own path.

Trolling? Looks more like good old fashioned street justice to me and it couldn't happen to a more deserving dickhead.

This is the same guy that took up off-roading at TMS since he's in and doesn't have to race pavement until the end of the regular season, right?

4-wheel steering is great - music sucks

Zippo sponsored Chevy trucks...

mini love comes in many forms...