
Chris Christie has already said he doesn't deserve the blame for Tesla not being able to sell cars in New Jersey. And of all people, constantly shamed ex-politician Anthony Weiner agrees with him.

"our video editor made an audio editing error"

Coach builders didn't fall...the demand did. Fewer standing oligarchs, heads of state etc. riding around large estates means fewer wheeled coaches. Now, the action is all about giant yachts and personal aircraft. And after that, spacecraft. will be next.

That makes two of us :)

I didn't say anything about PR, so I'm not sure who your q is for, sorry.

Speaking of busy... What's more popular at gawker meetings these days - picking oozing scabs or mocking dead people? Asking for a friend, thanks...

Guy walks into a GM dealer and asks to test drive a new truck - salesman says "Sure, but I'll need to ride along." Guy says "Fine, but can you bring your own hot dogs, 'cause I'm just supposed to bring back something to get the bbq lit..."

1st Gear: Who Looks Worse Here?

I wonder what could possibly happen by trying to make any car as light as safely possible...hmmmm.

I'm sure Jag understands and applies stretch goals.

Here is their target...

This is isn't about how many issues or how many units are subject to recall. It's about hundreds (and counting) of deaths that didn't need to happen.

If these cars have safety issues, I'm just glad for the sake of their drivers that GM is working to take care of them. All these recalls don't really say much about the quality of their cars, but it's definitely the right thing to do by consumers.

Rich people have people that lower/raise windows for them.

Engineering intern #2 "How about we put all the controls on the surface of the window, so you know, all the passenger has to do it tap a zone to lower the glass?"

Correcting the misquote.

You knew him, you loved him... HtLB FTMFW!