
When they let the kids in auto shop put these things together so they can learn, I'll start believing they're serious about them...

I liked the 'accidental' yellow at the end of the Bristol race...they're not putting much effort into faking those anymore.

Please tell me you don't believe everything you hear/see on TV :)

Why not follow the lead of the NFL when they introduce fake crowd noise into a stadium, or Nascar's practice of fake impact gun sounds during pit stops on TV...

Barra is in a no win situation. She's been positioned as the fall gal.

Wait 'till they find out that the half that stayed parked were the ones doing all the polluting...

Apparently Chrysler wasn't listening when Ford SVO/SVT, when asked about demand, said "We always try to make one less than what we think we can sell..."

Dodge Viper...

Not sure about an award, but you get my respect just for being out there.

The ST is 6-speed only....

You know what they say - at least you showed up :)

Beats trying to enjoy hooning a mini :)

Bunch 'o canucks, eh? Mute to avoid butchering of the english language :)

In my dreams :)

True that :)

Well...there has to be something you can do to get more attention - how do you look in heels?

If we're talking hot hatches, no contest - the slush-boxed ST still rules.

This means ticket based revenue is up. I hate tickets too, but if you think of this as a type of real-time road tax/fee instead of something to discouraged bad driving... I mean, how many are for bald tires, bad brakes, cracked windshields, etc. It would be one thing if those tickets made the road safer, but it seems

If by 'garage', you mean collections, then Leno wins....