
Seems that they weren't even loud enough to require earplugs in the pit lane...

meh - poser.

"the noise..."

She is just buying time until her next gig is secure....then she can fall on her sword, move on and GM can take all the lumps it has coming over this.

Follow the money...

Today, in addition to the marked motorcycles and Crown Vics., for actual 'unmarked' use, they run Mustangs, Chargers, Impalas & various SUVs.

Nice to see gawker sites profit from it none the less :)

Because people are smart and they reject the current crop of crap sedans....

- The FIA said Red Bull cheated, the FIA knew Red Bull was cheating, and asked them to stop before the race even started.

Neither car is practical nor meant for actual use. They're strictly interest builders at car shows and media events. One projects an image of power and authority while the other says "don't make me call your mother...".

Good on 'em!

Ford EcoBoost/Riley/Ganassi #1 - zuck it chevy! Scott Pruett rules!

I don't care for either those types of nose treatments nor cheesy wheel covers, but aren't they simply the cheapest aero mods manufs. can apply towards some sort of improved mpg? Something more appealing might easily translate to increased cost, I think.

#98 'vette faces the walk of shame...

Is the side mirror on eBay yet?

According to this guy & his magic bamboo binocs we have elves to blame...

The lack of info to the public is because the govts. involved are dealing with hijackers.

I used to sport a 300W Palomar attached to a CB w/power mic and base loaded 1/4 wave antenna - I could crank everything up, key the mic and simultaneously change the light to green and stall the engine on the '75 Porsche 911 next to me...great fun :)

That price _is_ for the Compass and while not displayed on the page, it does appear in the source html as such, so yeah, google got greedy :)