
What do we expect from someone that swills mt. dew like he gets paid to do it...

Did someone mention paint?

Did someone mention leather?

Here's the deal - any Gypsy touches my penis, I no longer want it anyway...

Magical journey? Looked more like magical shrooms...

Because 1 bottle is 3x bigger than the avg. bladder...do the math. After 10 hours, they both need to be emptied.

The thriftiest cars on sale today can still only go a few hundred miles on a single tank. What if you could go a hundred thousand miles on just one fill up?

San Diego's Coronado Bridge

How about they come clean and reveal what other issues on the same scale they know about now, instead of making the public wait until 2025...

The Pana's rear heated seats move fore/aft and recline, and include optional fold-down picnic tables. Grey Poupon, anyone?

The Volvo is great for sprints between soccer and cheerleading practice, but the Pana rules when running the interstate from Seattle to SF.

'88 Mistu Starion?

They don't care if they're blackheads, skinheads or deadheads, just as long as they keep spending on the franchise.

OPM :)

Not talking about BWMs here, sorry.

This is a beautiful car that necessitates being seen in person. The last one I saw was black and had consulate/diplomatic plates. It was parked outside a Starbucks, naturally...living the life :)

They will, however, offer a rebate towards one of their new, un-recalled models.

My thread - you're free to leave it any time - thanks for being a fan, tho.

Shhh... I think we're done here. I've made my point.