
I used to drive the freeway going into Seoul, and it wasn't unusual to see large buses going after much smaller cars like a juiced mastiff chasing a toy poodle.

Kitted Tiburon...

Google that name :)

Wait till you see how they dry it off.

Based on the businesses on some of the wrecks, it appears to be Bakersfield/So. Cal.

And yet, jalopnik fully endorsed this type of lambo ownership in the past, no stigma-strings attached...

Owners will even be able to track that digital key and tell when the car is unlocked and then locked again, supposedly indicating their purchase has been placed in their car.

They use a rubber mallet to _not_ break glass, then use a steel claw hammer to break the spark plug? These two derps don't seem to mind looking lame, so much, it seems.

As a comparison, Ford saw a 15.5% gross profit margin and General Motors' 12%. TSLA could suffer a 50% reduction and still be average for the general industry. I'd expect that to occur once/if reasons to reduce unit pricing become a factor towards sales targets, but otherwise, it acts more as a new target for the

Fix't dat four you...

...said the guy short selling & trying to FUD others.

Jr. was last seen watching the wreck-replay for updated wallbanging tips he can apply w/his own race car during the race this weekend.

Congradz on achieving COTD citizennick - we all join this not-so-burned-out sun-glassed Kentucky hotty-fox in raising a frosty toddy to your success. Cheerz!!

You'll thank me when it hits $550 & splits...

There's still time :)

I'm up 347.89% on TSLA, right now...sweeeet :)

And which country are they blaming for that?