
As a Maine native, I wish I could flame you for this, but... you’re pretty spot on.

I saw the Kimmel interview when it happened and totally believed it. I thought it was weird that he was less stilted than he usually is, but still bit. How have I been watching this show for so long and not cottoned on by now?

That was also a great episode all around, but it’s him popping out from behind that tree that made me laugh the hardest.

“My client vehemently denies that he raped or sexually assaulted any woman, ever, and he specifically denies raping a woman in 2004”

Fun fact: sled dogs can poop while running. It’s pretty impressive to see, to be honest.

That’s a solid burn, but what else did you expect from this fucking moron?

The context really matters for horror movies. My uncle told me about going to see Night of the Living Dead when it first came out in theaters. By today’s standards, it’s pretty tame. He says when he went to see it, people were literally throwing up in the theater. There had never been anything like it before. 

Definitely. Apparently there was another sequence they wanted to shoot, but ran out of budget: the kids think they’ve defeated It and go to a music festival, then realize they’re getting stalked by It through the crowd. I really wish they’d been able to film that.

With the exception of Clerks and Dogma, I’ve never been a huge fan. But this is great, I hope it spurs other filmmakers to actually do something going forward.

Well, ever since they stopped holding the South Side Irish parade.

I don’t know, I really enjoyed It Follows. It takes a couple of key lessons from other types of horror mainly:

Just a PSA: taking ‘Mucci and inserting it into Simpsons quotes from the Poochie the Dog episode totally works.


“getting high and going to Megyn Kelly Today” is, honestly, a bucket list item. In much the same way that “renting an RV and getting drunk in the center field of a NASCAR race” is. Which is to say, I’m just curious what would happen.

Well in this case, “a jury of your peers.” Something tells me this guy wasn’t going to be cracking the code to supersymmetry any time soon.

Exactly, the fries are garbage, even if you get well done/animal style. They make a big show of plopping them straight into the fryer, but that’s just a bad way to cook fries.

In’n’Out has a perfectly good burger. But:

Six chalupas? You’ve earned my undying respect, sir.

Same. There’s always been some comedic element in his roles going all the way back to his Drunken Master days, but when we have a once in a generation talent like Chan making dreck like The Tuxedo, it’s just an obvious waste.