
As I said elsewhere (and probably should have said in my OP), my biggest issue with this “drinking while pregnant is NBD” gives permission to people with alcohol dependency and abuse issues permission to do their thing. And a lot of people are completely self unaware about how much and how frequently they drink.

That’s exactly right. There is no known amount that is guaranteed to be safe.

Yes, the incidence of FAS — which is only the most extreme outcome — is more likely with more alcohol. That’s only logical as a matter of probability.

Citation needed.

But seriously, folks, alcohol during pregnancy is no joke and should not be dismissed as moralistic hang wringing. There can be serious disruptions to the fetal development (especially in early pregnancy) and there’s no “safe” amount — every woman and every pregnancy is different.

It’s also the kids those kids were more likely to molest after they grew up.

I recently heard an interview with Julia Sweeney, and she said she was completely mystified that people still come up to her ask whether Pat was a man or a woman. She said the entire point was that it never mattered, the joke wasn’t on Pat, it was on the characters who lost their minds they came into contact with Pat.

I agree 100 percent with everything you’re saying. We shouldn’t be competing amongst ourselves for some basic work-life balance.

So what’s the implication, that women — and it’s always women — shouldn’t have children to preserve someone else’s vacation?

Sure, but every worker — childfree or not — was once a baby and child who needed parental care.

There are two extremely common names among Navajo, and that’s one of them. It’s like Park among Koreans.

States like Indiana are going to come down to whether the electorate will vote for or against Trump. In Indiana’s case, I’m thinking for.

That’s gonna mean he needs to actually stay on that message and come up with some actual plans.

They noted an average poll margin of error of 11 points, and the reversal was 12 points.

True, but the point reversal is within the margin of error, which was ~13. Indiana limits the number of polls and they weren’t considered as reliable as other states.

Edit: Just saw your other post re: mom shade. Good on you.

I was hospitalized for an easily treatable skin infection because it was within a couple of inches of my eye and my doctor was afraid it could migrate to my brain and cause meningitis; she put me on a IV antibiotic under observation to nip in the bud, rather than wait the extra day or two for oral antibiotics to do

Sure, and if it had taken them 15 minutes longer to get to the perfectly equipped ambulance because a car broke down in front of them, it would have been the mechanic’s fault for replacing a gasket three months earlier...

Not even to yourself. Almost all adults have people who depend on them emotionally and materially.

He’s a man who, because of his substantial power over her, was able to handle her body for his personal gratification without her consent and at the cost of her own comfort and sense of autonomy. Whether he defines that gratification as sexual (and I’m inclined to think his penchant for rubbing and touching women is