I think we’re getting an obnoxious influx of ignorant fucks with too much time on their hands now because they can’t troll gawker.com anymore.
I’m shocked that you’re so bitter about your career and personal life. You seem like such a sunny personality.
Great, blame others. (eyeroll)
I am tired of people like you.
How does me getting tied up in flogged in my bedroom ruin your life?
Don’t want to fuck? Don’t fuck.
Don’t want an abortion? Don’t abort.
Your personal history and emotion issues aren’t my problem.
Don’t be pissy because the love of your life found someone who wasn’t a self-righteous POS. Move on.
This jumped out at me:
Hahahahaahhahaha seriously? You make a stupid ass hot take, and then everyone (rightfully) calls you out in it, so you insult the comment section? Why is it so hard to admit you made a bullshit argument?
News flash: Not all of us live in the city. Not all jobs are based in the city. If your grandma has a car she can’t drive, offers you its use, and it makes your life easier, you effing take her up on it. That is not an example of a bad decision.
How is it thinking that public transportation is beneath you because you choose to use the car that someone's letting you drive for free? Also, you do realise that public transportation isn't always an option in the US, right?
If a woman stands out, she’s “showing poor judgement”?
Why do you assume there’s public transportation to the job? Where some may consider driving a fine automobile to work a luxury, others see having easily accessible public transportation as one.
“I have access to a car, but it would be poor judgement to drive that car when I could use public transportation!” Is essentially what you just said.
When I was job hunting a bit less than a decade ago, the “common wisdom” among my fellow interviewee ladies was also that you shouldn’t wear an engagement (or wedding) ring—but back then the reasoning was not that potential employers would assume you were high maintenance. Rather, the rumored thinking was that an…
While obviously it’s in our nature to make snap judgements about people, things like this are just so sickening to me. Looking at someone’s car, ring, watch, whatever may tell you something about their life, but that something very well could be - nay, likely is - wrong.
And no one ever gets raped in non-drinking religions and cultures, either! LDS, Muslims, nations where alcohol is currently illegal, no rape in those communities!
Well, clearly he doesn’t think that the lives of women and children matter much. The victim impact statement from the Brock Turner case did not convince him that the destruction of her life warranted any thing that would derail Turner’s. And he clearly is, yes, too stupid to understand that to have child porn at all,…
“It is impossible to talk about alcohol and not talk about sex.”
I do not understand U.S. sentencing. A man rapes a woman: 2 years probation! Doesn’t have to register as a sexual offender. A man shares pornography OF BABIES and young girls and judge is iffy on felony or not.
“Man rape because of alcohol not because they don’t respect consent.”