Ear Furnishings

Yea, that definitely doesn’t sound right. Pretty much the only reason I use it is because I can log on to the free Target wifi and scan barcodes as I wander around. If I had to sift through the deals from home, I’d probably delete the silly thing

*ding ding ding* It’s that last one. Most doctors aren’t dumb, and malpractice insurance isn’t cheap. Doctors who don’t want to lose their licenses for not following the dumb law, but who also don’t want to get sued for lying to a patient, will simply opt out of offering abortion services. The number of

Target is also weirdly aggressive about their Cartwheel app. I have it downloaded and use it sometimes, but whenever I don’t use it, the cashiers practically berate me for my Target failure. It definitely doesn’t make me want to use it more often.

The Walton clan are for sure the worst. Their faux philanthropy and support for charter schools (in addition to their complete disregard for the well being of their employees) tell me everything I need to know about them.

I shop at both Target and Wal-Mart, so I am 100% not trying to start anything, but Target is not really any better than Wal-Mart when it comes to how they treat their employees. Target doesn’t go so far as to advertise to its employees how to apply for SNAP, but the pressure it puts on its employees to push those

Oh, they absolutely do (and so do charter schools, but they’re sneakier about it). Voucher proponents pretty much always chirp about how these programs will reduce segregation because, in theory, they allow low-income families (who tend to be non-white in the areas they’re implemented) to opt-in to “higher quality”

I can’t generalize to all former/current men-only schools, but W&L was not a great place when it was all men and still has some major issues today because the men who graduated pre-1985 (when women were officially admitted) are still in charge of the board of trustees. I graduated from W&L less than 10 years ago and

Call me crazy, but I put getting hit by a car into the “one time is too many times” category

I tried sooo hard to skateboard when I was in middle/high school (in suburban NJ, definitely not as cool as LA), but I was always just terrible at it. Things with wheels that aren’t cars or car-like are probably just not for me.

I don’t begrudge anyone who likes bike riding, but I generally don’t understand its appeal beyond a leisure activity. That could be due mostly to the fact that I’ve never had a commute that didn’t involve highways/have never lived anywhere with predictable weather, though.

That’s beyond horrifying. I already spent several hours in the ER this summer for royally screwing up removing an avocado pit with a knife, so it’s probably best that I keep my list of things that can land me in the hospital to a minimum (at least until I get a better grasp on basic household activities, anyway)

That’s so sweet! Good friends rock

My grandma learned to ride a bike when she was 60 years old. I feel like if I ever get a hankering to learn, there’s always time

Confession: I’m 28 years old (about to be 29 in a month and a half) and I have never learned how to ride a bike. I had a bike with training wheels when I was little, but I never expressed any interest in learning how to ride without them, and my parents never pushed it. When I outgrew the bike, I just never rode

I followed Jenna on YouTube and Instagram right until the moment she started talking about/praising these nut jobs. I get that sharing her (Jenna’s) whole life with the internet is her brand and whatnot and going vegan is cool for whatever reason you want to do it, but she could do both things without associating

In my experience (and YMMV and all that jazz), JC Penney is a lot more awesome than most people realize/associate with the name and it has a lot to do with the marketing, and not just for plus size. Their ads highlight almost nothing other than whatever sale they’re running this weekend, and almost exclusively focus

I haven’t seen The Maze Runner movie, but the general vibe was that the movie was good only if you didn’t read the book. I’ve read all four books and the third is a slog, but it’s slightly redeemed by secrets revealed in the prequel (and if you’re going to read the prequel, find an edition originally sold at B&N.

If you haven’t already, I would recommend making a Pinterest account. You can search something like “quick vegetarian” or “fast vegan” and get tons of ideas. And having an account means you can pin the ones you like, which means you won’t have to re-Google the recipe if you want to make it again.

Agree 100% with your rant, but I’m not an industry insider, so my opinion means jack. Glad to know an actual expert agrees with me, though! Also, if underage kids could buy booze online, wouldn’t they go for the hard stuff? What teenager would pick wine over vodka/rum/etc.?

Both UPS and FedEx will only ship wine if I register as a small business and get a special license. Whomp whomp. And I can definitely understand why they wouldn’t want to take on the risk of person-to-person shipping of something with an age restriction, but it’s a huge pain in the ass.