Ear Furnishings

Oh, that teacher was an absolute POS who definitely should not have been working with children. There are just some people out there who think that because I’m a teacher that that automatically imbues me with some special, saint-like quality that inhibits me from ever having a bad day or a shitty student (like the

Thanks for the explanation! This is very cool. And it helps explain why my mom (lived in NJ until recently) had to ship the wine she bought in Napa to me (in NC) instead of to herself. No clue how I’m actually going to get the wine from me to her (now in TN) other than take a road trip just for that purpose, but

I’m a teacher (high school) and I generally like/care for my students, but my job is still a job, and kids can and will be little shits. I don’t lose my right to bitch about my job just because I work with kids.

Winery compliance is not a thing I knew existed, but now that I do, it sounds amaaaaazing (and, because this is the internet, allow me to be clear: I’m not being snarky or sarcastic. I really just love wineries. And wine.)

Best gif ever

I tell them that the day teachers in public schools are granted permission to be armed is the day I submit my resignation

I’m a high school teacher in a mid-Atlantic state (southern, but not deep southern) and my students tell me every time I prep them for a lock down drill that I and my colleagues should be armed. I also have colleagues with concealed carry permits who are legitimately pissed that their permits don’t extend to school

I tried hunting through the DHS website linked by the author, and it’s annoyingly vague on this point. It says that you can still board aircraft using the non-compliant license or ID, but you have to show additional documents as well. Naturally, it does not list there or anywhere else I looked what would qualify as

The passport fee is $110 if you don’t get the stupid card. And I say the card is stupid and a waste of $30 because it’s only valid for travel by land and sea. If you’re flying to Mexico, Canada, or the Caribbean, the card isn’t valid. It’s definitely useful for people who travel across the border (north or south) for

I promise that if you un-gray this picture that it is funny (at least to me) and relevant

Oh, but haven’t you heard? The fact that they were recycled (as opposed to just straight up failing out) is just further *PROOF* that women can’t hack it and that the army lowered its standards for them! What’s that? Men in ranger school also recycle at high rates? THAT’S OBVIOUSLY DIFFERENT BECAUSE OF REASONS!

I feel ya. I’m a high school English teacher, but I used to start my classes with a brief overview of the big national and international headlines as of that morning because my students will be eligible to vote before they leave me, but they rarely read anything deeper than Twitter. I was asked to stop this practice

I’m heading into my fifth year as a high school English teacher, and most of my female students are OBSESSED with him (most of my male students have either not read any of his stuff or have only read The Fault in Our Stars and have no plans to read anything else he’s written). They tend to get very defensive if I

There’s been a push in education over the past few years for teachers to start sneaking in these real life lessons wherever they can. For a long time, teachers have expected students to pick these things up at home, but in reality it’s a pretty classist assumption. A lot of my students are first generation college and

This is actually new to me, but I could see how it would make sense. Whenever I lose a back (or leave home without a back in the first place because I'm detail oriented like that) I just take the earrings out and stick them in my wallet until I get home.

Pinterest/Google searching can help give you style ideas. There are also a slew of articles out in the world about how different industries have different expectations about what constitutes work appropriate attire (law firms tend to be conservative, startups are pretty laid back, etc.). Skirt vents are those little

I try to warn them about the sewn up pockets and skirt/coat vents, but because they’re 16-18 years old, they totes know everything and def don’t need to listen to their lameass teacher about something as obviously simple as how to dress themselves. Ergo, I take matters into my own hands. If their parents won’t show

I bought a pack of 100 of these at Target years ago, it was the best decision of my earring-ed life. Lose a back? NBD. Get a pretty pair of the earrings with a shitty (aka plastic disc of death)? FIXED.

I’m a high school teacher and my students (juniors and seniors) have to do a presentation every year that requires business attire. Prior to the presentations I, naturally, explain what is and is not appropriate for business attire and when business attire is necessary in the real world (the number of kids who think

No. Sane and rational human beings who understand that their weddings are not the highlights of their (fingers crossed) very long lives/the lives of others do not do that shit. They post them maybe once, get the clicks/comments/likes/ego boost and move on. LIKE THEY SHOULD