Avada Yo Mama

Right. Just like “like” which can abstractly signal a less literal mode of assertion. He was like: You have got to be effing kidding me, does not necessarily translate to he said those very words but that his entire mien or demeanor expressed it. It is quite brilliant upon reflection..... (My sister was quite mocked

Just curious, but in your opinion, how many times does a two-state solution need to be rejected by Palestine before you stop believing that Jews are evil imperialists?

It is most certainly not a middle class white woman thing, or at least, not just a white women thing. Studies show that men do it just as much as women. But its just not perceived as being ‘obnoxious’.

That’s not how you spell “misogyny”, friend, but given your slippery grasp of grammar and punctuation, we’re not surprised by the error.

It’s taking something that’s existed for hundreds of years and just blaming it on millennials.

they now know that you lack even a basic understanding of what you’re talking about.

you sound like a lot of fun

I’d say that a slightly different interpretation could also be valid : uptalk not necessarily functioning as a demand for attention or agreement, but as a signal that says “I’m seeking your empathy and understanding of what I’m talking about, and I’m crediting you with the ability and/or willingness to give it.”

Did you just compare a person who’s only “sin” was that she was born in Israel a Jewish person no less and is proud of her country to an avowedly racist and open Neo-Nazi? Because that is bloody low dude.

Except that people from places like New Zealand talk like that all the time. And they certainly aren’t trying to be purposefully obnoxious by speaking with their natural accents. I am not necessarily the biggest fan of upspeak, but I can’t imagine that most people are doing it on purpose to bother anyone. That just

Not much. What’s up with you?


Solid advice on uptalk, but I find updog more useful in most situations.

I think Crocodile Dundee is still in theatres there.

I thought he was just hitting on her, but I have a skeptical mind ;-).

You pretending to be impressed by that spoon trick is a real talent

He’s not even good at hiding the fact that he’s bending it with his hands. Like, it’s just obvious.

Agree. At one point, I thought I saw him thumbing the spoon into a deeper bend.

Joanna, your “set” made me snort three times. I’d ring a gong or turn my chair around or whatever for you.

You mean how he hoped Anne Frank would have been a Belieber? (I’m still agog over that one.)