Avada Yo Mama

Those green contacts are ... severe

She’s totally wooden. It made her a great choice for Katniss (who is a wooden, stoic person) and similar characters, but it does not translate well to other characters. And it doesn’t help that she keeps being cast as a middle-aged character.

Right? I feel like the real shade in that story came from whoever picked those photos for the tweets.

And they’ve been married for what, almost 20 years? If he wanted to direct, surely she could’ve bought that for him well before now

Why do they have to be local? Can’t they telecommute and fly in for court appearances?

Yesterday I was stopped at a red light behind a car that had one of those 13.1 circle magnets. Which is dumb enough, but this one said “13.1 x 10+” I guess indicating that this person did more than 10 half marathons. What an odd thing to celebrate.

He also employs Matt Walsh (not the good one who is an actor on Veep), who a couple weeks ago publicly accused that woman who was discussing her late term abortion on the news (in response to Trump’s debate statements) of murdering her child.

I don’t know if it’s classism (unless all Americans are just automatically lower class in the eyes of British tabloids). I read this girl’s wiki and she comes from (new?) money.

Already watched ;)

OK - I don’t need a cable log in for that, right? I hate downloading these apps and learning that I need some kind of log in after the fact.

Wow, the news just NEVER stops caring about missing rich white women, do they?


Wow Jenna Bush looks the spitting image of her father. I’d almost have believed it was W in drag.

The crosswalk button will also extend the red light on a busier street where it otherwise would have been very short (because the cross street has much less traffic) so that a pedestrian can cross, in my experience.

I think she’s just rabidly trying to extend her 15 minutes by asking all the more famous people she meets to hook her up with their (also more famous?) friends

This is why Logan was the best for her. And maybe a little too good for her, since he was many of those same things but at least seemed self-aware

That’s horrible! But at least they said it out loud, so you know what you’re buying into? I think many, many Christians (at least, those I’ve met in my non-denominational churches or wherever) feel the same way but would never say it; it’s just, like, an expectation.

Based on the header picture I thought this guy’s name was Raucous Rallies and I was kind of impressed.  

There’s a particularly terrible vein in (fairly mainstream, unfortunately) Christianity wherein because the mom (or baby) might make it through just fine, both parties should just trust God and go forward. If one or both lives, it’s typically because they prayed hard enough, and were “blessed” (the “Prosperity

Maybe because that is how is was initially marketed here (in the western US), but I see Boots as primarily a skincare brand, and damn. I want skin like hers.