Avada Yo Mama

When I was growing up all the Christian YA was about (boring) girls who loved (boring) good Christian boys who barely would touch them (and were often emotionally withholding). Now it’s all the “obvious metaphor for how Jesus loves you, you sinner.” I don’t know which is worse.

“there are plenty of women who obviously know nothing about the game, and only go because.... I don’t actually know why.”

There are practicing wiccans in the deep south? Like, enough to get blamed generally for murders? This sounds like the makings of an excellent reality show. I hear TLC has some space in the line-up...

I agree with you. I see this as similar to the backlash over science-themed toys aimed at girls - there’s always someone asking, “but why is the box pink?” Girls can love sports (or science!) while still being very “girly,” and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to curl your hair and wear a sparkly top to the game.

Oh, that’s definitely true - it’s better than unpaid leave. But, as far as paid leave goes, I would rather have “X weeks paid” maternity leave than a nebulous year-long "as needed" leave that I may or may not actually be able to use.

That all sounds suspiciously like corporate-speak for “you can maybe take time off intermittently throughout the first year of baby’s life, but only if your manager can spare you and OKs it.” Maybe I’m just cynical.

Women authors don’t even have a leg up in “women’s fiction,” though - when a man writes a traditional “women’s fiction” book, it gets categorized as general fiction. Nicholas Sparks, for example.

Somewhat on topic question: when is it OK to donate/give away books? I have kept only my very favorite books over the years, which still fill about half of a large bookshelf. I also re read them occasionally. My husband, however, keeps every single book he has ever bought and read, and never reads them again. We have

She's actually somewhat small - at least in Furious 7 she was around the same general size as Michelle Rodriguez, just more muscular.

Plus, if they’re high-achievers, they’ve probably already mapped out their life’s trajectory: go to best possible college, get straight As, get into best possible law/led/business school or career, etc. There’s no wiggle room for failure at all. (And the current economic climate certainly doesn’t help).

Matt Salmon represents a Mormon district and went to BYU. They don’t even have frats at BYU (and IIRC, BYU kicks people out for having sex of any kind anyway). What skin does this guy even have in this game - he just wants to punish victims?

It probably burns some calories, just not 800 in three minutes.

This is exactly what I was thinking. Normally my response is "more Christina Applegate in everything!" but in this case, I think Reese was the right choice. Christina could have played Brooke Wyndham, though...

"Six Degrees of Stimulation"? Ew. Ew ew ew.

That was . . . catty.

The way I read what you quoted, they’re saying thatsex-trafficked women should be protected from criminal charges, not that sex work generally should be decriminalized. am I missing the point?

And her face has changed so much between the two it almost looks like they’ve overlaid a photo of Sofia Vergara on it and blended them

How does Khloe not see how much they shrank her waist? She’s so proud of not being ‘shopped, like, come on

I agree with you, but with the caveat that this facebook post actually is shaming smaller bodies - most of the time the people complaining about “skinny shaming” who are met with a lecture about thin privilege have done so in a total non-sequitur (like, the article says “How Cool Is It That This Running Magazine

I didn’t catch the size 6 claim, thanks. I agree, they look smaller than a 2.