Avada Yo Mama

Boston Bomber is a different case altogether. Criminals, even the very worst ones, need to be defended. Defense attorneys (especially public defenders) serve an important Constitutional role.

That really depends on the women’s sport - women’s gymnastics, figure skating, beach volleyball all kill the male equivalents in the ratings every Olympics. Female tennis players are much more well-known generally than male tennis players (in fact, I can think of only one or two male tennis players who are even famous

I love all these weirdos joining the race. You know each of them only joins up once they have enough super-rich backers (“the fools”) promising huge sums of money (“and their money”). That money gets paid to campaign staffers, American tshirt and souvenir sticker companies, advertising companies, etc. (“are soon

Agree. I think that's also why people are getting confused over whether this is a "humble brag" - title makes it sound like she wants the ring to prevent innocent flirting; story is actually about outright (not even "street") harassment.

Just two minutes before, apparently...

At my WF, the prices on produce are all by the pound (or per unit), but the scales have the kilograms in large print and pounds in small print and neither of the units are labeled. So if you aren’t paying careful attention to the scale, you’ll end up with 2.2 pounds of your produce at checkout, thinking you’re about

You’ve replied to nearly every single post on this, under the name “jezbanned,” and each time you’ve ignored what the poster is saying to just repeat that Easter was in the wrong, according to you. Yes, that is troll behavior.

Oh calm down, troll

Good to know.

They keep detailed genealogical records because they baptize the dead into their church. There was a big controversy a few years back when it was discovered that they were baptizing the dead off of Holocaust victim lists :/

Unfortunately, so are Easter's, who did nothing but show up to jury duty like he was supposed to.

Easter’s credibility had been irreparably damaged by his failure to disclose the rape

Why would they spend money on these “liberal indoctrination” schools, when there are schools like Liberty and Oral Roberts*? I thought these people were capitalists.

Plus, we actually do take part in those accomplishments, by paying taxes and doing general civic duties (like voting, etc.).

“Can . . . party later while everyone else gets knocked up and stays in”

I want to know which Bachelor that was SO much

If we have to get a bunch of movies I don't care about rebooted though - much rather it was movies I like

That picture of Kate and Kurt is so adorably silly.


I wonder if it’s bizarrely considered less “sinful” to be married and have an affair than to be single and having sex with someone.