W00t! I get to see her speak Friday about the book. I <3 her.

have you seen the sex scene he has on Weeds with Mary Louise Parker? dear God.

my alma mater. there is definitely a lot of entitled douchery that goes on there (although I can't imagine its any more than most other schools)

Pablo Schreiber is so dreamy. Even as a maniacal sociopathic killer/rapist on SVU. Sigh.

PETA has an office a block away from my apartment. Kind of want to print this out and write SHAME ON YOU and tape it to their fence.

ugh, shut up WaPo.

was just wondering the same thing!

this is amazing


UGHHHHHHH I just came to this page from the general Cannes pictures page, because I thought it was more up close pics of her Gucci gown. So, so disappointed, Blake. So disappointed.

i bet this is making things real awkward for the neighbors. wasn't it their dog?

lol that dress code is ridic. who cares about how long a dress is? they don't care if it's super low cut? that's what I would have gone with. Shake those dads up!

it makes no sense to me that rapes can be handled exclusively by schools. why is sexual assault any differnet from regular assault or any other crime for that matter? if a student murdered someone the police would handle it. colleges teach. they're not the police, and "student counsils" are a joke. this is why the

This is pretty naive reasoning... unless she does actually have experience dealing w/ the police on this issue, she's just making assumptions about how they will or won't handle her case, all in the hypothetical. Which, as we've seen, is often how the SCHOOLS actually handle these cases. Schools are not in the

oh. well at least it's on the "yes" list!

what the heck is "ins & outs"?

This is why I don't read women's magazines. None of it is real. It's all product placement and "recommendations" that are actually just ads without saying so. It's a huge lie that many women believe. The people who work at these magazines don't care about the readers, they just want free samples and invites to product

Save the date VIDEO? what??

didn't Amber Heard say last year or something that she was a lesbian? I'm so confused over this. Or is that a different Amber?

"this whole snarky, nasty, judgmental thing that magazines and all media tries to do".... yes. this is why I hate "women's" magazines. they just try to make you feel insecure so you buy products from their advertisers. that's literally all they exist for.