It’s not like you’d WANT that inside you.

Oh man, you didn’t even pick the best Bryan Fischer ones. Can you say Insane Overreaction?

I’m kind of just tired of rejection at every corner and I want to go home.

Google is your friend.

Wasn’t this an episode of 30 Rock?

“Keep that p***y tight while I’m gone.”

Her reaction tells me that Huey is her father. He should have chased after her screaming: If this is it, please let me know if this ain’t love you’d better let me knoowww.

Imma come back in an hour after more people have gotten a chance to comment

I've said it before, but I just can't stay on the Paul Walker Grief Train knowing about his penchant for teenagers. It's still sad that he died, of course, but this huge outpouring is unnerving. Let's just say the sadness is tempered by a full-body skin crawl.

I am going to watch the shit out of this and I'm not even ashamed.

On another note. I visited the page and wanted to yell "LOOK OUT... A PENIS IS ATTACKING YOU!" when I first saw this picture. Then I realized it is just a thigh gap optical illusion.

The laws allow patients to request drugs that have passed the first clinical trial stage – the one during which scientists determine whether a drug hurts people, not whether it can cure them. Just because a drug passes the first clinical trial does not mean it eventually will gain FDA approval.

Are we gonna talk about the bit where Kanye approved of Tyga "getting in early" with Kylie?

Huh. That read to me like very obvious sarcasm, a reference to the fact that if the media can't find anything to smear murdered black children significantly enough to make their murders seem somehow less horrific, they just go after their parents instead. See Tamir Rice.

I'm scared to look— someone please tell me what it is.

Are you also working on your night cheese?

Maybe, just maybe, she doesn't share your sensibilities.