is this who kristen cavalleri was referring to when she said there's a pediatric practice that doesn't give vaccines and has had no cases of autism?

I don't know why, but when she was killed, the fact that she was super involved with a domestic abuse support organization was erie to me. Now I see my suspicions were correct. Certainly not every woman involved with those types of issues is dealing with them herself, but this doesn't sound like a coincidence to me.

of course the nursery has mirrors. the only time they have to go without basking in their own reflections now is while they're on the toilet (or maybe the bathroom is mirrored too?)


re: the first question—can't she just ask the friend what the deal is? I think she can point out the weirdness to the friend and maybe she just forgot to include him? I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

isn't Peter Pan inherently kind of racist to begin with? or was that just the Disney version?

I saw this on my fb feed and was like... uh why would I want to watch strangers make out? PDA is gross. Not interested.

FWIW I saw her on the Tonight Show the other day and she talked about how the beginning of filming the show was crazy. She said she had now become "spiritual" and made it sound like the show would make her look pretty bad at the beginning. Here's to hoping that it's ONLY at the beginning...

who is this assistant who just stands there and takes pics?? does she have stockholm syndrome or something??

whoa is this real? Jennifer Coolidge guest starred on Friends?!?!?

I'm sorry but why is anyone still discussing Lily Allen? Seriously. She had a mediocre hit like 6 years ago. She's even worse than Kate Bosworth.

I thought this article was going to be about people's reactions to her on House of Cards. Shows how much I'm following this trial...

lol that bird will bury you

I will SO tempt you! lol. I was lazy before too, but the change is so worth it. If you want to keep being lazy though, adopt a senior dog! they need love and homes too and are often overlooked for puppies.


I live in an apt building but have a (small) dog park 2 blocks away. I would looove a backyard but even without one we make our rounds :)

yay! this is my puppy (a rescue) whose adoption was just finalized 2 wknds ago! this is her right after being spayed.

what actually happened to regretsy?

not dating this guy anymore, but the guy I've cared about the most of any guy I've dated, I met in HS on a school trip to DC. He's from CA and his group was mixed in with mine during an assemly on government or something. He sat in front of me and he and his friend turned around and started passing notes to me. We…

I thought the same thing. Totally judging. It's a made up name that somehow became trendy even though it sounds pretentious.