You must be paying a lot for a low deductible though, if you plan to make a claim for a broken windshield.
You must be paying a lot for a low deductible though, if you plan to make a claim for a broken windshield.
I see a bailout requiring two big items. First a new set of regulations that improve seat size, fair pricing, upfront pricing, baggage, and basic rights. Second, the bailout money is given for shares at market price. You give money back to the government, you get your shares back. You make a profit and hand out…
I wonder if they’ll be able to find 150,000 people over the age of 65 who can figure out how to download an app.
I basically only upgrade my phones because Maps is so bloated and slow. I so wish you could just turn half of these features off. Might need to try Waze if this doesn’t run smoothly. I just got a S10e and now I’m afraid a quantum leap in Maps bloat will overload even my 6GB RAM eventually.
It works better with rye, but in the right drink it’s not too bad with bourbon. A Greenpoint or a Last Ward would probably work. There are nice Sazerac variations with Chartreuse, but I’d probably stick to rye with those.
I’ve done that. Pisses them off for some reason!
Nyet! Climate change is hoax. Young american snow flake cries like Siberian Birch Mouse!
I’m pretty certain that the world’s 2nd-largest economy actively working to accelerate climate change, is a real problem.
Trump is probably the biggest problem facing our country at the moment. A completely unqualified imbecile destroying vast swaths of the economy with his moronic tariffs while trying his best to start world war 3. His sole claim to fame is he rode Obama’s economy for 3 years.
Police did not identify speed as a primary factor in any of the 14 fatal crashes on 75 mph freeways in 2018
Likely it’s just an older car and not getting the rare late-in-life sales bump seen by cars like the Dodge Challenger.
Recently I had a routine medical procedure done. A month prior to the procedure I tried to find out what the cost was going to be. I obtained the codes from the doctor and tried several ways to find out the cost. I could not get the information! My insurerer gave me a runaround about not knowing exactly what…
I don’t want him to keel over and die. I want him to live through the shame of an impeachment and be exposed for the fraudulent idiot that he is. Lock him up!
May the Syrup be with you.
Those wheels look straight off a Fiat 500 Sport.
Their Bars are pretty tasty.
#2 would piss me off so much. If I brought it in and got some bullshit budget brake pads or something I would rip that motherfuckers head clean off. One time the dealership forgot to TIGHTEN MY LUGNUTS - I was 1 e-mail away from suing them.