
There’s a more than 1 person on bimmerpost who got a great blackstone report the oil change prior to bearing failure. One gentleman had 3 perfect reports in a row prior to his failure.

Come on, at least put some effort in like this guy.

You can’t even open the door to get in without ripping it off. I wouldn’t call this guy an artist.

I have lost all respect for Nissan. They have a history of bizzare tactics, and more importantly a shitty lineup (excluding the GT-R). They spend too much time persuing people selling Nismo stickers on ebay, time that would be better spent improving their vehicles. I won’t get into the whole www.Nissan.com debacle.

Yep, the early 60’s Ranchero’s are the only good looking ones.

For Ford it was definitely 1979. Just look at this monstrosity.

Have they been electric assisted steering since 2011?

I saw a 2013 GTS with only 20k miles on it for $60k the other day. Original MSRP was $117k. Almost half price. If I knew it wasn’t going to lose another $20k in the next year and a half I might be tempted to buy it.

I didn’t hear about all that. It’s a shame the Nascar guys even attend the SD. This is one of those races where more grassroots guys have an opportunity to show off their skills, and get noticed. With hundreds of entries it’s hard enough to win without a huge financial backing, and a great team. Even more so when

I honestly don’t think they were trying to cheat with the weight. Someone just did their calculation without enough room for margin of error. They know the car will change weight distribution as it burns fuel, but they they don’t know how much rubber will accumulate exactly. Most teams err on the side of caution. They

$25,000 for 30k miles. If you add tax, and 1 option you’re looking at $1 a mile. It’s not THAT nice of a car.

A lot of them go to African countries where they laugh at US cargo capacities, and tow ratings. That 1996 Sebring you got $300 for on trade is worth AT LEAST 20 bags of rice. Coincidentally most of the clothes you donated to Goodwill (that don’t sell on the rack) end up in Africa as well.

Correction: before Rick Hendrick discovered him. Gordon discovered Jimmie.

I remember watching him win a local late model race at Lanier Speedway (before Jimmie Johnson discovered him) when I was just a kid. He wasn’t 21, and drank milk in the winners circle.

I’m really digging this thing even though it’s an auto. Appears to be well cared for.

I think you’re right. Now is the time to buy. Rememver when you could buy a good NSX for $25k? These cars WILL go back up.

I encourage everyone to put a stop to this behavior. Think flash mob. Everyone in your area saves their trade in brochure until Saturday. On Saturday at noon you all converge on the dealership to get your car appraised taking up every customer parking spot, and blocking the entrance/exit to the lot as they run out of

But you have to pay extra for that warranty, on top of an already over priced car. A car with a $25k market value will cost $30k at Carmax WITH the maxcare warranty. That $5000 would cover A LOT of repairs.

If I was president I would eliminate CAFE standards, and mandate all cars sold here must have a V12.

Just as I suspected! There’s a reason government employees have a pension. 401k’s were never designed to make money. Just a way to leech it from us slowly.