
I was REALLY suprised to hear one of AutoBlogs editors admiting he just bought a new 200 on one of their latest podcasts. The same guy goes to press events for every manufacturer, and all the big auto shows. He gets a new car from AutoBlog's press fleet damn near EVERY week to review. He has access to everything and

I had a civic pass me doing 75MPH one time on the highway looking exactly like this putting deep gouges in the asphalt. I was expecting cops to come flying past any minute as surely they were fleeing a scene. I never saw any police nor did I see them on the side of the road for the next 15 miles. I'm amazed that the

Sounds promising, but i hope it doesnt end up like Carmax with reservations. Where you pay a $2-3k premium to avoid haggling. With Carmax you are much better off buying elswhere, and spending 2 hours haggling. Apparently some people (Doug Demuro I'm pointing at you) don't mind paying the premium so they can buy a

Me too! But in real life she probably isn't a slut and only dates Jewish guys. :(

Is that all?

Actually not a bad idea if you invest the money that would've went towards the payment. Only issue is you'll be upside down the whole time. Should it get totalled you should have money set aside to pay the difference.

There's only 1 possible explanatuon for this...

Yes sir, isn't that the only sticker we're allowed to put on our cars?

They are a great value! The fun factor is well worth the extra cost of gas and oil. Some poor guy leased this one for 3 years, (paid extra for 15k miles a year), and only put 1 yr worth of miles on it in 3 yrs, before turning it in.

SJust curious what you've had repaired. Our 2011 has been trouble free until recently (AC Evaporator is leaking refridgerant). Just curious what else we should look forward too. Honestly at $3500 to repair, I'm considering trading it on something else. It also needs tires soon. Thats $5000 worth of maintenance on a

They've monopolized it. There would still be plenty of business for them as everyone in the metro area would still use Hartsfield Jackson because its so close. Another airport up north would benefit those that have to drive 2-3hrs from the sticks to get to Atlanta.

The real question is why are there no hybrid minivans? Can you imagine a Sienna or Odyssey getting 40MPG? They would sell like crazy IMO. Really benefiting all those people who get up early to drop one child of at daycare, another at school, then to the dry cleaners to drop off hubby's clothes before zumba, next off

I think you should sell it at Barrett Jackson and write an article about it. They might waive your commision for the exposure.

Not to mention it has lifetime fluids. Imagine never having to buy redline again!

Well while we are on the topic, there's another dangerous design flaw. Most guardrail posts (in GA anyway) are I-Beams. Europe uses cylinder shapped posts. If you've ever seen a motorcyclist go down and into an i-beam post you can understand how much safer the cylinder design is. They might as well sharpen the edges

I saw it on Roswell Road yesterday myself!

If boats are required to have a life vest for every occupant, why aren't planes required to have parachutes for every passenger? I'll gladly give up my floating seat cushion for a chute!

I always worry about this happening on my way to China over long ocean stints, especially when there is crazy turbulence. It's really amazing how much an airline can flex.

You can also LOSE that by money investing it. I personally know someone that had $40k saved, and decided to only put $2k down on his new car because his rate was only 1.9%. "Dude I'm going to invest the rest and make more than 1.9% so who cares about the interest". Guess who lost 40% of that during a market sell off?