Dyram - The Emerald Blade

“Google’s management goes to extreme — and illegal — lengths to encourage hiring managers to take protected categories such as race and/or gender into consideration as determinative hiring factors, to the detriment of Caucasian and male employees and potential employees at Google,” reads the 161-page complaint.

Roy Moore didn’t want to go anyways; there’s a local high school game that same night.

A more erudite, articulate stable genius:

The pretty direct implication is my not wanting to fuck dudes I have no chemistry or attraction to (which is not something anyone can really control) is “a personality thing.”

Not remotely, but nice projecting! Thanks for the laugh, you inspid, caustic little moron.

Have you tried going up to men yet? Go get em. Seriously, just go up and talk to a guy.

We share a lot of common interest, rarely disagree, he’s kind , considerate of others , makes friends with doormen and baristas and gets a kick out of my quirky ways. He’s never judgmental or snobby ( as most 7 figure muhfuqers are ) ..... it’s just that since my ex husband was a cheater , pathological liar and

First of all, I disagree that you can separate race and nationality so tidily. Secondly, many of his childish pranks are specifically relying on stereotypes about Japanese culture, which means it crosses the line to racist asshole behavior rather than just general asshole behavior. Honestly, I think it’s dumb how

I’m not talking about just being rude. I’m talking about thinking that it’s funny to swing around a raw fish and octopus leg in front of Japanese people on the streets of Tokyo or in clothing stores.

Racism can be directed at a nation. Calling a Chinese person a “Chink”or a Vietnamese person a “Gook” is still racist, even if it’s directed at his nationality.

If the local Kroger, Safeway, or whatever supermarket invites you in, gets your business, takes your money, does that mean you can drop your trousers and shit on the floor, knock over boxes of produce, or yell repeatedly at the top of your lungs?

And here it is folks, the asshole who believes they can’t be racist because “they hate all people equally.” I remember I used to use that line when I was 13 or 14 and thought I was being clever.

Just because he treats white people with disrespect would not make Paul NOT racist if he walked around Harlem doing a skit holding fried chicken and watermelon.

This is “harmless fun” like if a Japanese comedian held a fried chicken leg in one hand and a watermelon slice in the other, stood outside a church in Harlem and offered to give people a bite as they try to walk to their Sunday services.This is equally disrespectful, racist, and just as “fun”.

So, one thing to make really crystal clear: Paul goes on about how “nice” people in Japan are and how they “put up” with him. Speaking as a Japanese person, we have very different standards on how we treat people who we find offensive or disgusting.

People of Japan, we don’t like him either.

No, he can’t. His belly is too large.

I think so, too, because it’s one of my favorites! :D

Excusing the mouth breathers with entitlement issues from the discussion, I feel like whether you accept this version of Luke hinges on his Rashomon sequence with Ben Kenobi. I did buy it, so I buy that it fundamentally broke him. His condemnation of the Jedi order was really compelling for me, as is his separation of

“‘Jedis don’t give up.’”