Whether or not you actually voted for Clinton is beside the point. It’s not about judgement—it’s about my observation that you’re parroting bullshit talking points about the primary that just aren’t accurate.
Whether or not you actually voted for Clinton is beside the point. It’s not about judgement—it’s about my observation that you’re parroting bullshit talking points about the primary that just aren’t accurate.
“remind them that media in a free country needs to be unbiased”
OT: I know I’ve posted this multiple times but please sign everyone!
We must take this gentleman’s gamer card; to refer to Dr. Wily as “Riley” beggars belief.
...I may need yours, as well. “Wiley,” indeed.
“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates...” is untrue, but I’ve decided that the Dems should choose their next candidate SOLELY on the basis of “is s/he likeable?” because that’s obviously the most important factor to voters. Someone needs to buy the domains jenniferlawrence2020.org and georgeclooney2020.org.
People aren’t voting them out though. They pay so much attention to the presidential election that their representatives are just a blind checkbox.
I don’t see why that creates more vulnerability. Besides, he’s got a sensible restriction here: a break of five years after leaving office before you’re allowed to lobby again. Maybe it should be a complete ban, but a five year break is long enough to interfere with a person’s insider position. I hate most of his…
It’s extremely hard to remove them if the politician in question exploits their licence for gerrymandering.
There are positives to this.
I feel like this has irreparably damaged the office of POTUS, tbh. It used to be prestigious, and you had to work for it for decades, postition yourself, gain knowledge and skill and directly-related experience. Now we’ve elected a reality tv star with no ability to form a coherent paragraph, much less policy, and…
Worse than 2000 by leaps and bounds.
Pet Peeve: “Abolish the Electoral College” people have never actually put more than 2 minutes of thought into the consequences of abolishing the Electoral College and thus should be ignored regarding political matters.
Oh I know, I’m just saying if the consequences discourage the behaviour, hopefully future dudes won’t be as exposed to the attitude that women AREN’T humans in the first place. I mean, it’s a tiny baby step in a cultural that needs to make a thousand mile journey, but it’s...something?
To help us out could you please articulate in a single post why you don’t like her. This reactive stuff is kind of scattergun and difficult to follow and makes it seem like you’re just going “nuh-uh!” to everything we say.
Really? But the previous mob get away with deleting not tens of thousands of emails but MILLIONS of emails? She had a server that everyone has made such a shrieking fuss about that there’s no other position to take but “I shouldn’t have done it” yet Colin Powell doesn’t have to explain HIS use of the same thing?
Champ, if you want to do the discourse you gotta understand the argument is public and bigger than whatever your last statement was. The issue of HRC’s “hawkishness” has always been part of this idea that while Trump may be an idiot, Sshe is actually DANGEROUS because she really wants to burn the world with nuclear…
That has LITERALLY nothing to do with translation quality, and more to do with LOCALIZATION. Which is DELIBERATE.
Jeez, when it came to covering up Gunvolt’s naval no one said jack, but have some female characters show less skin or change dialogue and folk won’t shut up about it months later.
Stories like this are just so tragic, and depressingly common. People are so capable of hiding things that when loved ones find out the truth it’s devastating. Like, maybe they knew that their spouse had a bit of a problem turning off the internet at night before bed, but who would presume that that was because they…
It’s also so annoying how 3rd party voters always brag about it. Like they’re enlightened because they think they’re bucking the system. You’re right, 3rd party voters are the worst.