I’m going with my Pussy Grabs Back shirt and filling out my ballot with menstrual blood.
I’m going with my Pussy Grabs Back shirt and filling out my ballot with menstrual blood.
It’s me! I’m here! I hope you all enjoy my presence!
Poisoned candy/tylenol kills innocent people = a permanently changed nation
I often leave comments like this to themselves but it’s worth talking about briefly. First, I completely position this as a personal essay with my title by using a personal pronoun: “me”. There’s two subjects here. The game and myself. So you shouldn’t be surprised.
We all did. This was also the time that Sony was launching the PSP. So they went up against their biggest rival WITHOUT a Gameboy, which I don’t know if that speaks to the strength of the DS or the insanity of Nintendo.
Well, there’s gonna be a Monster Hunter Direct coming on the 27th...
I mean, I would have agreed with you when the DS and 3DS were released. But the (3)DS is fucking awesome and the 3D isn’t that terrible at all.
C’mon, Capcom. Announce Monster Hunter for the Switch already. I know it’s coming. You know it’s coming. Just give me the release date so I can schedule my vacation days accordingly.
How about “Oh, I’m not a hugger! More of a handshaker.” I guess you could kind of put your hands up to stop the hug, then stick your hand out to shake hands. And say it with a smile?
Agreed, the 3DS is a strong platform that, IMHO, outshines the DS in every way.
What? Slow start sure but the 3DS is amazing.
Hugging is basically reserved for my wife. Otherwise, I just say I’m not a hugger as politely as I can and back up a step. If that causes anxiety though... I’m really not sure.
If you want to slam Kotaku for something it should be our slowness in reporting some of this stuff. The reason it seems like ‘its up on Kotaku and then it’s gone right away’ is because we’re often covering it at the tail end of when it makes the rounds. Uranium’s finished game, for example, was pretty much on every…
Then pokemon started making new pokemon to appeal to girl gamers
Just... No. I’m not a huge fan of Hillary, but Gary Johnson is not even close to being qualified at all, let alone more qualified than she is. This is so objectively false that I’m not even going to list reasons. It would be like arguing with someone about why we can’t just force Mexico to pay for a wall on the border.
This is pretty ridiculous. A lot of the times the creators of the fan games send us the games themselves, asking for coverage. Sometimes, the games are broadcast/publicized on platforms that have like ten times our traffic, and we cover them after they’ve made the rounds on the internet and therefore became ‘news’. I…
You’re asking them to care about something more than once every four years? To build a party from the ground up by getting third party people elected at local and state levels before trying to go federal. That’s an awful lot of commitment you’re asking for from people who probably played Pokemon Go for like 2 weeks…
This is what pisses me off about this. In most mental health care facilities workers are generally paid less than $12 dollars an hour to non-violently deescalate situations like this. My mom worked in a group home and got punched so hard that she had a black eye for over a month, and if she had retaliated or hurt…
That happens to me too, sometimes before or after a migraine, or if I’ve forgotten to take my Zoloft for a few days together.
It really is.