Yeah, nobody was asking him to throw a fit on the bus. All he had to do was try not to serve up a woman for unwanted touch immediately after hearing a man brag about his readiness to assault her. That’s apparently an offensively high bar now.
Yeah, nobody was asking him to throw a fit on the bus. All he had to do was try not to serve up a woman for unwanted touch immediately after hearing a man brag about his readiness to assault her. That’s apparently an offensively high bar now.
Hey, I have a right to be upset if a hamburger is made of ham. Burgers are made of beef, dammit!
Anime reviews are always a good mainstay, since different types of fans will seek out different tones in reviews, but other content a site can offer:
No, they didn’t. Blizzard changed the pose themselves, and the creators even said as much.
...that seems like legitimate criticism though. I mean, it’s an ice cream store, not a chocolate store. It would be in the stores own best interest to provide as many flavors as possible. Otherwise the store is going to find itself catering to an increasingly shrinking clientele of hardcore chocoholics, while all the…
Anime is an art form
And when US had that too much reality t.v. , too little quality scripted shows, writers took note. And we got “The Sopranos,” and “The Wire,” out of it. And that paved the way for higher production values on other shows. We wouldn’t have Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, etc without that discussion.
Anime is often manufactured with the hopes that it will also appeal to an international audience. They go through a lot of effort to sell their products to those audiences. Things like translation and getting into financial contracts with global distribution platforms isn’t something that happens accidentally, it…
Man I went into reading this thinking I knew exactly how it was going to go and I was wrong. The questions were good questions that got good answers. I don’t 100% support Cooks agenda but I understand and respect it. She doesn’t mind that fan service exists and doesn’t want it banned or to shun people who like it, she…
The end goal is to simply get people and the creators thinking about the subject in a meaningful way. This isn’t an easy task and it clearly hasn’t happened when you have people reacting in ways like she described.
Glad that you’re open minded about the site, and I agree Cecilia asked some great questions!
Is it me or does the OP give off vibes of Gamergate? They cruise right past the moral of the story, act like something is threatening to take hentai away from them, and even mentions harming advertising in the process.
I really wanted to like Knights of Sidonia, a good hard-sci fi approach to long term space travel and giant robots.
I agree with most of what you say, but I don’t think anyone was saying “lets change anime Y so it is more like anime X so everyone can enjoy this”.
Instead it’s more of a “let’s talk about what we don’t like in anime Y in the hopes that someone will make an anime Z every now and then in addition to the X&Y we get each…
I see this art argument everywhere and I can see how someone can come to that conclusion. Because nowadays everything is considered to be art. Also censorship is something I personally don’t condone in a wolrd with free speech.
I’m sorry you can’t say “I’m not asking” and then ask for just that
If you agree that anime creators are allowed to freely express themselves, then why make the statement “Anime is an art form and as such the creators should be allowed to freely express themselves.” ? Cecillia’s criticism doesn’t harm anime creators ability from expressing themselves. Heck, it says right in the…
Since when has offering a negative opinion meant forcing people to make what they want? Shouldn’t all artforms be open to criticism?
Really appreciate it!
That’s not the same thing, though. Just because you toss a buncha naked dudes in with naked girls doesn’t make it any better. There’s also a big gap in what men and women find attractive-- many would find a moderately-sized dude in a nice suit far more attractive than a huge, lumbering, naked muscle.