Dyram - The Emerald Blade

As a Californian and prior Bernie supporter, I’m actually glad for once that our primaries are dead last because Bernie has shown his true colors as a skin-deep megalomaniac who wouldn’t give an inch to get a mile, giving me time to firmly change my vote pre-emptively.

He really is a different sort. I will never dismiss a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder ever again in a relationship.

Haha, I’m banking on it! (the #notallmen)

i’ve never seem the rocky films.

Oh, I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of crab-bucket attitudes cropping up, that those kids should be grateful for the experience and something to put on their resume and crap, that this sort of thing is totally normal at gaming companies, why rock the boat...

I think people are woefully unaware of not just the amount of struggle but the complexity and depth of the struggle. Like for me, time management is far and away the most crippling aspect of my issue with focus. It’s by no means the only struggle, but it’s the one that has the most negative effect. I try really,

and like...i think the person providing care and prescribing me meds know a little better than your stupid company about what would work best for me. medical decisions should NOT be based on $$ (but they are, in so many ways, this is just so fucking blatant UGH)

oh my god that’s why i travel so far out of my way to my first pharmacy near my old house. It’s just easier than going through the bullshit!

I’m in college and I have so many people asking for some of my meds. Like okay:

Amen. Can people please demonstrate a little nuance when writing about ADHD and its treatment? Not to mention the upsides, like enhanced creativity, hyperfocus, increased physical and mental energy, etc. Or the interesting collision of gender socialization and neurochemistry in explaining how ADHD can present so

Yeah, agreed that controlled substances shouldn’t taste like candy. That is asking for trouble.

Um, yeah, it actually matters that I regularly get rape and death threats online. It’s gross, and creepy, and says a lot about people’s character. It’s a real thing that happens, and it shouldn’t be okay. And it shouldn’t be swept aside because something else is worse. We have time to talk about all of it.

He’s going to win because his mindless drone followers are too drunk with the prospect of America First! to realize how full of shit he is. And they hate the idea of a woman as president almost as much, if not more, than Obama as president.

Pretty much, though I do feel I am stronger now that I’ve overcome both the bullying and the initial overcompensating mechanisms. But I have been known to have bad flashbacks when two of my bullies are brought up (it’s not common, tho, they don’t exactly just come up in conversation).

judo served me well enough. i couldn’t hit harder than a bully but i could use their strength against them. that plus i found martial arts to bring a lot of peace to me even now when i get frustrated. you are right the bully does pick on the wrong person, one who won’t back down like the bully expects. if the bully

I know what you mean I see one of those damnable logos with piss poor calvins peeing on X and it irritates me because behind the wheel is probably a fucking Moe...god, what an ass.

My wife and I, between us, have every Calvin and Hobbes collection ever printed—some of them date all the way back to my middle school days in the very early 90's.

I remember being utterly heartbroken (I was 13) when Watterson put his pen away for good (at least as far as newspaper runs of Calvin and Hobbes were

From what I’ve heard, it has more to do with the policies and culture of the Japanese home office than it does with, say, NoA, which may be more lienent towards Youtube. And I think you could argue that shows with the systems they’ve been coming up with recently, things that clearly would appeal more to a Japanese

This I cannot deny.

I clued in to the Umbreon (I may have been staring at him a bit longer than strictly necessary), but I didn’t figure out the Cubone until you pointed it out. Figured she was dressing as a character from an anime or video game (I can’t remember what it was) I vaguely recalled from a while back.