Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I 100% agree with you here. Having just rewatched TFA and TLJ this weekend, I can definitively say that it is in the top 4 of best Star Wars movies. Rian Johnson did such a phenomenal job of writing every single character and developing them. Rey and Kylo were much more fleshed out and interesting characters than in

This comment is neither helpful nor relevant to the article at hand and just comes across as mean-spirited. And like you said, it's a decade ago. The article was clearly a poor attempt at satire, but you're just trying to stir up trouble and contention by bringing it up here.

I actually am, thanks for noticing! I host several every year at my place and people seem to love coming. :)

Which is why I said that fatalism better explains premonitions than determinism does. If you’re a hard determinist (which is what I’m assuming you’re ascribing to here), then everything you do and how you respond to things is “determined” down to the chemical nature of your body and brain, which wouldn’t allow for

That would be fatalism, not determinism.  There’s no explanation in determinism to explain how you would have pre-knowledge of a place you have never seen before or of an event that was caused by the introduction of a new, unknown element into your life (in this case, a future husband after a divorce).

So, apparently booming sand is a thing. That’s really cool. I wonder about that voice you heard though!

Jesus, I’m so sorry you went through all of that.  That is legitimately terrifying!  Also, fuck that voice actor you’re talking about.  The scene can’t be rid of him and his followers fast enough.

The seat number is next to the name.

Not keeping his own pants up is what got him in trouble in the first place.

All of these nicknames in this thread, and no one has floated Bitch McConnell. Weird.

I’m specifically talking about your model, using the example you gave. You said, and I quote “Let’s say you could create a predictive model that’s 90% accurate” (emphasis mine). Then, you proceed to take 10% (the error margin of your hypothetical predictive model) of the total approximate population of the US and

And that’s just an example.  I have no idea what the actual percentage of mass shooters or people who have the potential to be mass shooters is in the US.

Your model isn’t missing a decimal, it’s missing an entire step. Your model assumes that all 300~ million people in the US are mass shooters.

This is the solution that came to my mind as well.  You want to improve the area and make it more attractive, but not price out the people who live there.  Rent control/low income housing incentives I think are a great means to that end.

What gets me most is that a lot of what they’re bringing up doesn’t matter.  They’re just trying to get sound bytes.  For christ’s sake, the most recent R was saying, essentially, “you didn’t investigate the Clinton’s, so this whole thing was unfair.”  THE CLINTONS WEREN’T UNDER INVESTIGATION HERE!!!

Maple bacon donuts are so fucking good. I’m glad I’ve only had access to them like, 3 times in my life...

If you’re having difficulty telling when a boarder is going to turn, especially nowadays, then you’re just not paying attention.  You have to move your hips to turn your board, so just watch for that.  They also often turn their shoulders to help counter-balance.  Also, just by watching their line of movement, you can

Just be discreet about it.  They can monitor our brainwaves in the classroom, you know.

When I was in HS in the early aughts, I actually floated this theory that we knew it was coming (which the history books pretty much told us) and was told that I was promoting a conspiracy theory.

I think the majority will vote for whoever gets the candidacy, but if it’s Biden and he gets into office, you can damn well be sure his feet will be held to the fire.