Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Aside from Christy, what the fuck is wrong with NJ? Or MD or HI for that matter?

Ugh...GamerGate. That brought out the worst of the community. I still know people who are and were personally affected by it. What a fucking nightmare. And you’re right, this presidency seems like the natural extension of that. I honestly don’t know where to go from here. It’s all so fucking depressing. On top

That’s terrifying. I’m so sorry you went through that. What the fuck is wrong with people?

I just wrote this in response to someone else. This is the most likely scenario in my mind.

My guess is this. The guy tried to pick her up because he thought she was attractive. Somehow, he realized she was trans and then thought that, because he found a trans woman attractive, that she tricked him into being gay. This injured his fragile sense of masculinity and she had to pay for deceiving him. He

But that’s his opinion, man, and it’s equally valid to your science facts. #DontPoliticizeScience


Starred for “Professional Confessional”. Fucking gold.

Should a drunk driver not be jailed for killing someone with their car? I see it as being the same way as that.

Terrible, because I don’t want to know what Trump’s wishes were when he allegedly had that shower in Russia.

I hope you aren’t saying Autism is the worst nightmare of any parent.

A catholic church has a right to marry whoever they way. It basically only works if the organization is purely religious in nature and even then there are some exceptions. This pretty much has to be absolutist or really freaking close to it, because at what point do you get into segregationist policies where you

This is a bad idea and a bad take. Would you feel the same way if the sign said “No Coloreds Allowed”?

Use away!


I’m not Christian or religious, but I have friends that are definitely Christian left and follow the actual teachings of Jesus. I think religion gets a bad rap here. In general, I think the world would be better off if organized religion didn’t exist, but I also recognize that there are people who find a sense of

I actually think this question is disingenuous at best and harmful to the discussion at worst as it only stokes the flames of the “but censorship” crowd. The fact of the matter is that artists have always been beholden to their patrons. Very rarely have artists created works purely to their vision and been able to

*vomits forever*

Holy shit...I’ve never seen that one before. He has her completely restrained with his arm across her chest and his other hand holding her wrist. That’s...my face is frozen in a visage of disgusted horror. It looks so incredibly rapey.

Not sure if anyone pointed this out, but at 1:25, the background plays the original Donkey Kong 25m theme.