Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I always interpreted your second example as the Jedi saying that true balance was eradicating the dark side, but ultimately that was flawed, because Anakin DID bring balance to the force by leaving only two Jedi and only two sith after order 66 and the purge. It doesn’t actually contradict Lucas’ idea that the dark

Master Sword beam are great for korok balloons too.

Why aren’t you saying that?

Or, counter-point, you could blame JonTron for being an unapologetically racist asshole.

This game is better than Chrono Trigger. There. I said it. Until this game came out, CT was my favorite RPG of all time. Definitely worth playing. Will buy again. 100/10

Wouldn’t the not voting and not caring contingent not be taking part in this survey to begin with? It seems like a bit of a catch 22.

I totally agree that western media is often badly misinformed about Japan.

I was just there last year. It hasn’t died out. Definitely saw some lolita in Harajuku that weren’t cosplayers. Even visited a few shops. It’s niche to be sure, but it’s still alive over there, or at the very least didn’t “die years ago”.

Based on his Twitter and his actions in general, I’d say he doesn’t. I think Egoraptor genuinely wants to do good, but sometimes doesn’t understand (and admits as much) and occasionally falls short.

Do you mind if I sample your joke in the future?

Oh, no! A company is guaranteeing paid work for its development team beyond the lifecycle of the game to provide the player with additional content at a reasonable price!

It’s a new dungeon and new story that was started after the game was finished being developed. It’s all totally optional and didn’t take away from the main game at all. Jesus Christ, this is like being mad at Blizzard for making Act 5 of Diablo II...

For the record, I do. It made it incredibly difficult for me to get home to get lunch when he came to Columbia for graduation and, as much as I love Obama (or maybe it was Biden...who’s still pretty great tbh), it pissed me the hell off. I’m very much a creature of habit/routine and get very distressed when that’s

It baffles me too. I can’t imagine hitting on women like that, especially in the workplace. I tend to let the people that I work with dictate the level of interaction. I’m a hugger (guys or girls, it doesn’t matter), but I’m very aware that lots of people aren’t comfortable with this, so I always go for the

True. The excuse is used FAR more commonly online than in person. In fact, I think I’ve rarely seen it used in person if ever.

I see the autism excuse used everywhere online, and almost exclusively by males. My wife is an autistic gamer and she hesitates to mention it online because she doesn’t want to be treated differently or seem like she’s otherwise trying to come up with excuses for her behavior.

Oh, I don’t get it either, but I recognized the double pyramidheads, lol.

It’s double Pyramid Head

So much for the tolerant right.

Now hold on a second. I think this is a good punishment. When I was a kid, I played a lot of Wolfenstein 3D on my dad’s computer, so I knew what a swastika was, but not the context (I think I was in middle school maybe before we started our unit on the Holocaust). So on the bus to school one day, I drew a swastika