I’m usually good with puns, but I’m not seeing it.
I’m usually good with puns, but I’m not seeing it.
The only reliable thing about kinja is that it’s unreliable. :P
That was the safer thing to do, though. What if you had been bitten? The biting reflex still survives after the snake is dead. Not sure how long, but I know that’s a thing. Also, moving animal corpses sounds like a really gross thing to do. Ugh, the germs. >_<
I just saw that they weren’t on the Clients page.
Hey, I don’t blame you. We’re socially conditioned to think about that shit, as if a name is some kind of enduring legacy. Legacy of what? What are you trying to preserve. It took me several years and one marriage to work through that. I’m so glad I did, though.
Seriously, wtf is up with Kinja...yeah, hang on a second...
A big thing for me is that I have ADHD and a bit of a temper. I’m not violent, but I can instantly go from jovial/happy to stern and, honestly quite frightening at the flip of a switch. My wife is on the autism spectrum. We don’t want to pass any of that down to any potential kids, and my temper issues alone are…
That’s completely uncalled for. This is a genuine question that a lot of people still struggle with today. Yeah, it’s 2016, but doesn’t erase the thousands of years of social and biologically conditioning that tells you that you should procreate and have a family.
So, there’s some good here, but I also have some issues with a lot of it.
But there’s nothing wrong with valuing your free time. If you’re too selfish to take care of a child, that’s not going to magically change when you have a kid. At best, you stress yourself out because you want to be the best parent, but wind up ignoring your needs. At worst, you end up resenting and neglecting your…
I’m one of two and decided to say fuck it because I really don’t want to have kids. I regret nothing. If the name dies out, who cares, honestly? By that point, anyone else who would possibly care about it is already dead. If a last name was that important, you wouldn’t be able to legally change it whenever you feel…
Man, all of you make me feel like a heartless monster. Like, I feel mildly bad about hitting animals, but I will not swerve out of the way to avoid hitting one because that’s more dangerous than staying on course. Also, from an insurance perspective, if you have an accident because you swerved to miss an animal,…
Dude, you need to tone it back a bit. I’m not saying everyone should fight back. I’m just saying it worked in my situation every time. Granted, I had the strength and ability to fight back. Clearly my situation is different from yours. I’m truly sorry you were bullied. I’ve been there. There is no one size fits all…
I’ll definitely try to keep it in mind. Thanks!!!
The internet has failed me. I was unable to find any pictures on google image search for alligators driving tanks. This makes me sad, because that was the first thing I pictured when I read this comment.
No, no! List away, lol. I love hearing how ADHD affects other people.
See, I can’t talk about Chrono Trigger and time travel without bringing up Radiant Historia. CT was my favorite RPG of all time until I played Radiant Historia. Holy crap did that game nail time travel.
No problem! It can be rough out there, but whether or not you find someone, the important thing is being able to love, or at least accept, yourself for who you are. If you can do that, then I think you’ll be ok in life. :)
Gaslighting at its finest! People like that are assholes.
Look at some old school sayings about women