Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Well, if you’re at a public toilet, unless ALL of the urinals are in use, there’s really no reason to use a stall (unless you’re incredibly pee shy).

Is that from Blades of Glory?

#NotAllKotakuCommentors /s

Here’s a novel idea...if you’re using a toilet with a seat to pee, why not just sit down so you don’t make a mess all over the place?

Man, Sasuke’s really grown up.


I’m glad you liked it, but it definitely wasn’t for me. It felt like arbitrarily tacked on challenge. At least in Monster Hunter, for example, the battle continues while I’m going through my inventory, but I can still battle without having to worry about being hit while scrolling through literal pages of items (or in

I preferred the wait setting so I could actually make it through my lists. Not cool when you’re fishing for a potion while enemies keep attacking you. :\

Yeah, but is GiIvaSunner the same as GilvaSunner (formerly TimmyTurnersDad)?

Do you make animals sign consent forms before each time you pet them?

So you’re saying you’d never pet your Pokemon? You are a cruel, unloving person. >:(

Neat! Thanks for sharing. I pretty much put hey straight in my box and never touched her again. ^_^;

Was cosplay pikachu only female in the game? I never used it so I don’t remember.

I didn’t realize until just today that they were using a female pikachu for pikachu libre. Well-played, Pokken Tournament team!


Well, I’m glad everything worked out for her. :)

Hey, at least she’s with someone better. The important thing is that she’s happy. :)

Did they get a divorce or something?

The gears are SOOO loud, though. >_<

Yeah, I read this on Imgur, too. The girl with the makeup was there first, too. That’s...a little upsetting that they don’t make it more apparent where they’re getting this from. I mean, the imgur links are there, but damn they’re small.