Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I honestly agree with you on this one. I think there will always be a place for Melee, but 4 offers so much GOOD variety and accomodates a larger variety of play styles. I’ve seen characters like Zelda used in ways that I never thought possible, and it’s just been a blast to play.

Technically all mental disorders are manifested symptoms and not causes, but looking at it that way doesn’t help your situation. Depression is a mental disorder in and of itself. It can be caused by external stimuli, but is more commonly caused as a result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. People can lead great

I don’t know who to vote for. A few I can think of off the top of my head that I’d love to see are Bayonetta, Lloyd (Tales of Symphonia), Gunvolt, and the Hunter from Monster Hunter (even though I can’t think of any good movesets...it would still be kinda baller to have a MH stage in Smash where a random monster

It's absolutely nuts.

Joe is actually a friend of my family's. This is terrible. Glad this didn't escalate into something worse. With the blinds closed, that DEFINITELY escalated the situation. Someone could have been shot.

I was wondering what that circuit box was. I had to restart my game so I could see all the text (accidentally did the wrong resolution), so I forgot all about it on my second attempt. I definitely found everything WAY out of order.

That's a pretty egregious mistake Geebs. Aren't you a teacher? Should you know, like, spelling and stuff?

That gif has no business or relevance on this site!

(Want to know how you can tell this is bullshit? Are they grabbing the teacher's boobs? No? Then they fucking well know better.)

Your math is wrong, but your heart is in the right place. I appreciate the heart. I think you meant to say "25% American".

I beat it in 110 hours and did everything. If you skipped a lot of the sidequests you could do it in about 80. People who took 200 hours must have tried to find everything without a guide. I used a spoiler-less walkthrough to get through some of the more tedious side-quests, but there are some that really add to

I did all the sidequests at once, and managed to beat the game in 110 hours. Still, would not recommend it for everyone.

He either is on tour now or will be soon. Check out his website.

Monster Hunter.

His monster designs are all truly fantastic!

It definitely is not! I love his distinctive character designs. :)

I never said he wasn't talented. His art style is his own and it's unique. That's what makes it so easy to tell that he re-uses the same general character designs. I like his character designs. I enjoyed DBZ overall (despite the power-creep issue and ridiculously long filler battles, but that's more a fault of the

Style, sure, but a lot of his characters can be transposed and are little more than glorified color swaps.

Akira Toriyama can ONLY draw Dragon Ball characters and then make slight variations. All of the Chrono Trigger cast strongly resemble Dragon Ball/DBZ characters.

What, the pancakes?