Dyram - The Emerald Blade

See, I completely disagree. The only console that really has a chance of being way more powerful than the Wii U is the Xbox. Sony is losing too much money, and if what they're saying about a controller with a screen is true, then they really have to cut back on graphics to make the console affordable. To release


I'll hold out for now. With any luck, they might consider porting it to some other consoles, like maybe the Wii U. I would imagine the gamepad would be perfect for this kind of game. ^_^

I toyed with the idea of getting one, but I just prefer Nintendo games. Sony doesn't have enough exclusives to justify the purchase of the console. Granted, while the Wii had some great games on it, I am hoping that the Wii U gets some multi-plats.

I wish this was coming out for Wii U. Le sigh...I'm sure my wife would love this game as well.

Alright. I'll let it slide little miss If-I-don't-go-to-bed-now,-I'll-fall-asleep-while-playing-the-game-with-you-guys.

And I was sad to see you were still up at midnight. >_>

With Disharm0ny head. ^_^

Rats. It's not part of the season pass. Oh well. I won't be shelling out for this. I like my Bandit War Paint Zero.

I like how we're on the same wavelength, lol.

You can't boot me from here! Muahahahaha!!!!

Still a nice little zinger. :)

I was gonna add a hyper-sonic flying gif, but it wouldn't upload. :\

I thought it was funny. Also, see what Fezz said.

Obligatory: What a stupid comment.

Actually, you just fall into the Nintendo fan category. They're in the middle of the hierarchy because they don't look down on a lot of people. They tend to just be looked down upon.


My work here is done. Up, up, and away!

Wha...are you talking about the Captain America? How is that tasteless?

Ummm... O_o