Dyram - The Emerald Blade

So I've been told. Whew. You're going back to pretty old articles. Thanks for replying! :)

I'm sad to say I've only seen it once, but I will never forget James Earl Jones riding a fucking atomic bomb like a cowboy as it falls to the earth. -sigh- Good times.

I imagine this guy.

I was always interested in this MMO, but the P2P turned me off from it. I might actually get this now.

I do too. Best policy is to just NEVER post anything about where you work on the internet under any circumstances. :\

"The trick is to only take the good stuff out of if, and only enough bad to give your life some ups and downs.

Like I said, you would not be totally to blame for his killing spree, but you were one of potentially many catalysts in him going on his spree. Of course, he has to take personal responsibility for his actions. I'm not denying that, but you would need to take responsibility for your actions as well. Just because

I respect someone's right to defend themselves as long as the retaliation does not exceed the offense. I know that's not a great answer, but that's the best I've got in this situation. I'm all for justice and punishing those who have intentionally wronged others, but I don't believe in cruel and unusual punishment.

It's frustrating that you're so close to my point, but still missing it. You say things that I agree with, and then you turn around and say something that I find to be completely off base.

I agree with you 100%. In fact, your post pretty much sums up all my thoughts. It's fun saying the exact same thing in different ways. :)


Why did you feel the urge to go out of your way and comment on his weight? I'm not saying you're fully responsible, but you have to accept that you took a part in that.

That's what I'm saying though. Now, the bullies CAN follow you home from the playground using social media, whether or not you participate in that site. The fact is, your classmates do and can be reading hurtful things about you online that they then bring back to school or even to your house through the internet or

Yeah, it was that attitude that made me comment on this thread in the first place. Looking at CooknMilkies other comments though, I'm not sure if he'll ever get it.

8:00 works!

I don't know if it used to be a lot worse. I'd need you to provide a source to site that. I'd say that it's worse now with social media where the bullies can basically follow you home to harass you and make your harassment WAY more public.

Hey, if my mom ever decides to get a sex change, who am I to stand in her way, you know?

I would, but I'm not sure if there's a reverse-definition look-up site. If I had to choose though, I'd go with verbose.

If she was actively asking for it, then it's not bullying. If she said, "please bully me", then by all means proceed.

And that's where I'm saying that they may not be in an environment that allows them to get monitoring or help. I completely understood your comment, but the harassment of others, whether it's intended to be humorous or hurtful has an effect on other people. Like I said, I'm taking a bit of an extremist view to make