Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I always found that summon to be weird. Is it trying to say that FFVII was Earth all along?

That's not true. Anywhere on the bat will register as a hit, but you can ONLY get a home run if part of the green hits the ball. Whether or not it goes foul depends on WHEN you hit the ball. Hit too early, and you foul towards third. Hit too late and it fouls towards first.

If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. Don't let me stop you, lol. I just got really frustrated with all the backtracking within the levels, and the pacing is incredibly slow. Plus, having to collect 100 bananas with each of the 5 characters means collecting 500 bananas total. That would be fine, if any character could

It's as if they took all the WORST parts of Banjo Kazooie, and then multiplied it by 5. The only good things that came out of that game were the DK rap and Diddy's jetpack and double peanut pistols.

Nostalgia-vision is a hell of a drug. I tried playing it again a few months ago. I got to the Tic-toc woods knockoff level and gave up. It's REALLY bad. It's nothing but giant fetch quests. -shudders-

This would also be pretty awesome.

I would wet my pants over this. Almost literally.

You mean Gen IV and V? They had some really great Pokemon, and they did a great job of improving the battle mechanics and creating new Pokemon type combinations. Hell, Gen. IV is what got me BACK into Pokemon because the prospect of Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire bored the shit out of me.

From Tina: http://kotaku.com/5972934/?post=55793968

Indeed, lol. It's definitely a fantastic clip. :) Tenaddaten?

Perhaps, but I was referencing this comment thread from TAY (http://kotaku.com/tay/forum?post=55783884). I thought it was coincidental that she happened to post the video shortly thereafter.

Tina, did you steal this from 4dalulz on TAY? ;)

I don't see why you would completely dismiss my entire first point as it is entirely valid and relevant to this conversation. Automakers stand to lose more than the video game industry from used auto sales, and there are PLENTY of auto-resellers out there. Hell, even dealerships will buy and resell what they call

As I posted elsewhere, the devs and publishers shouldn't care that Gamestop gets all the resale money. The auto, movie, book, and music industries ALL have resellers where the publishers never see a dime out of the resale. Why should the video game industry be any different? Put frankly, this is bullying the

I'm telling you man, I've been going this route since the N64, and I have NEVER been disappointed with that setup.

I'm sure they're available, but everything I've read is that there's a HUGE stigma against getting any kind of mental health. Also, I'm not sure if there's a lot (or any) kind of financial assistance (read: insurance) for mental health.

This is just a shitty situation for everyone involved. If the guy's story is to be believed at face value, then he had a really shitty childhood. Granted, that doesn't excuse his actions.

It's funny you say that, because all those things you love, I hate, but I absolutely LOVE Fire Emblem. I guess it's just one of those games where there's no really good reason one way or the other. You just love it or hate it based on its own merits, and not that of any particular genre.

Fire Emblem is a turned-based, strategy RPG. You and your army face off against the enemy's army on a grid-based map. When you move a character, you can choose to move and then perform an action (attack, use an item, etc.). You do this with each character until you've either exhausted all your characters or end

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