Dyram - The Emerald Blade

But that's not always the case. You're giving preferential treatment to someone you may not be interacting with any further in the future or that you're not even sure is female in the first place. There are a lot of males who play as female avatars. Why would you give more of your in-game money to someone that you

Treating someone in a neutral setting based on perceived gender is a form of sexism, whether altruistic in nature or hurtful. The attraction of a heterosexual male to a female is not sexism, but when you're giving preferential treatment to someone who you think is female just on the basis that they might be female IS

The first definition for sexism on dictionary.com is "attitudes or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles."

The fawning is sexism in and of itself, as if the female gamers require or deserve the extra attention. Equal treatment means equal treatment, not preferential because of gender. It's still sexism, even if it's masked under the form of altruism.

Negima is the shit. Freaking loved that manga. I have to say though, I prefered the Mahou Sensei Negima anime to the other one, which I believe was just called Negima.

Whelp, off to preorder! I need this, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion. The 3DS is looking good for the first half of this year!

Thank you for sharing! I do like to hear how people use Street View.

I'm not familiar with this. I'll have to see if they show it on this afternoon's Nintendo Direct.

Another good idea.

Ok, that actually made me chuckle. Kudos, good sir (madame?).

That's why I'm saying that a print function would be awesome. Heck, even if you could hook it up to your printer on a wireless network. That would be pretty amazing. Also, the gamepad is PERFECT for a new Mario Paint!

Right, but you can't print from the Wii U. I would rather just look it up on my computer and print right from there. Like I said in a different post, if you could print from the Wii U, that would be a different story altogether. Also, I think that would be a pretty awesome function to have on the Wii U.

I'm not seeing many people bitching in the comments. I think there's just a general confusion as to the purpose. I think only one or two people have said anything to the extent of "LOL, N1N73ND0 IZ TEH STOOPIDZ!!!". I think many other people are genuinely curious about the purpose of the software.

Nope. I have a dumb phone. It only makes calls and receives texts. :3

That's kind of the point I was getting at. There's no "print" function from the Wii U. That would be a neat feature though: being able to print from your Wii U. That's an update I wouldn't mind having.

I was thinking more along the lines that you can't print directions. I wasn't taking a shot at it or anything.

I love my Wii U to death and I'll download it because, hey, free, but...I can't say I understand the purpose of this. It's not like I can bring my gamepad with me when I drive. :\

This entire thread made my morning. Thanks everyone! lol.

If they waited until the same time next year, then there is a good chance they would be in direct competition with the new Xbox, which, regardless of how good the Wii U is or not, would cut into its sales numbers. This really was the best time to release it.

I don't think I did, honestly. To use your car reference, most cars go into detailing when you purchase it from a dealership. This can take an additional hour or so before you can actually drive the car out of the lot. It's not an uncommon business practice, especially with electronics manufacturers, and especially