tequila mockingbird

In before a millenial invents a shitty, cringeworthy term like "mansbian".

I tried to get in before all the "OMG you don't eat all the bacon??? lol my comment is so original!" comments. But now that that boat has sailed, I'd just like to say, as a bacon lover who is living with / engaged to a vegetarian & just can't eat a whole package of bacon without, you know, DYING... thank you for

OH, POOR YOU! :'( :'( :'(

All families have 99 problems but leaked videos of elevator attacks generally ain't one.


I make myself flatbread sandwiches to bring in to work for lunch but I don't call them motherfucking flatwiches. Fuck you, Subway.

You're like the Carrie Bradshaw of food posts.

This. The cold-water-to-boiling-then-sitting-10-minutes method right here is the method I've been using for years and, save for maybe 1 egg out of 2 or 3 dozen, there's no problem peeling them. It's either the perfect method, or the pot I use to boil them was forged from mithril ore & my tap water is actually unicorn

Unless you happen to get the not-too-bright-but-at-least-he's-pretty salesperson who accidentally keeps you on the unlimited plan when activating your phone [thank you, Jason; we may have parted ways but we'll always have the mall kiosk]. That or buying a phone off-contract.

NEWSFLASH: anything American that's old enough to be copyright-free is most likely racist.

Regarding #3: Am I the only person here that finds it slightly amusing that life gave the horrible customers lemons and they literally turned them into lemonade? I was kind of hoping the server would stand over them and tell them "THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY WHAT THAT SAYING MEANS, STOP THAT THIS INSTANT!"

I literally cannot think of anyone who would attempt to transport delicate raw eggs in to their workplace in order to boil them later. I mean, I guess there's really no difference between transporting eggs from the supermarket to home & from home to work, but still... Boil them at home, and if they happen to crack on

Crazy! It's almost as if not everybody in the world works a 9 to 5 shift!

$20 says he went home after being released from jail & caught up on Game of Thrones episodes on his DVR.

What's with all the graphics fail lately? The article title talks about deep fried foods but the image is all chocolate-dipped monstrosities.

"Mitters"? What, was the word "brobysitter" too off-putting?