tequila mockingbird

You sound horrible.

Okay, but it's not uncommon, so it's not a small percentage. Your preconceived bias of how a cat should behave makes you think it's a small percentage.

Yes, but you say "if you need just one reason," which implies it is an important reason. My cats are two exceptions to the rule, and looking through other comments, it appears they are not the only two exceptions. Your important one reason is flimsy.


Pfffft. Anyone who's anyone knows the pince-nez is where it's at.

because skin isn’t a hair cut or an accessory

I will file this under "company attempts to polish a turd".

The blonde is Stargirl, so no, not the blonde one.

The blonde in the foreground is Stargirl. The new character is the woman on the right.

Ok, that makes sense now.

My theory:

"We did not count shows hosted on network sites. Most networks including [...] HBO [...]"

Is the infant in jail too? Please, explain to us all why the baby should be punished.


Party City called; they want their dual-use Pilgrim/Witch costume back.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because my local Target stores never ever ever EVER have size Small [I can only assume Extra Small clothing is put in the same aisle with all the unicorns & leprechauns & cold fusion reactors] & only ever has Large on display.

Normally, yes, I agree, but this has turned into a Game of Thrones-esque winter that lasts for decades and White Walkers are coming to destroy us all, so fuck you.

Is it weird that I now dread seeing sunshine when I look out the window? Because that means there's no clouds, which means the heat from the sun doesn't stay trapped & just goes back out into space at the end of the day, which means JESUS HOLY FUCK MORE SINGLE-DIGIT AND/OR SUBZERO NIGHTS/MORNINGS KILLMENOW

Nope, Franco's.