
My PC and Dreamcast have been getting a lot of attention lately.

I really like the console, but the controller does look a bit cheap.

I'm digging it. I just hope that this movie somehow by way of miracle avoids typical Michael Bay shaky camera action. I liked TF2's action scenes a lot, but I thought it would be much better with a more stable camera.

The Funimation Dub clip made me start watching the series on Netflix. It's like watching Dragon Ball Z or Naruto - lots of awful filler dialogue, lots of flashbacks. What crap. It just reaffirms why I quit watching anime. The action they do show is nice though. Dem fries dough.

These have been around forever, but they're all a tad shoddy. Especially the Saturn one.

I watched a bit of it recently with a friend, for a couple of laughs, thinking it would be awful. To my surprise it's got a ton of quirky and funny dialogue that doesn't feel dated or adhere to crappy anime platitudes. Although not much progress is made during an episode, it's really fast paced.

Bullshots are done in post, and are screenshots of the finished game (usually) with added anti-aliasing and filters. This is footage from an unfinished version of the game running on better hardware, before cutting it down for consoles.

If it's based on the film IP, then it's Sony's domain.

Sony wants Spider-Man to be in a Marvel movie cross-over, but I'm assuming either Sony or Disney is asking for too much.

Oops, turns out he didn't voice act the main character. I was misinformed.

I fail to see how it's a bad habit, so much as you're just reiterating why I stopped playing and telling me it's a bad habit. I sincerely don't understand your position.

It's uncomfortable and it makes me feel like I'm supporting a bad habit.

It's fun but I can play games of similar or better quality without experiencing some guy's self-indulgent furry fantasy.

I remember when I first heard the main character's voice, that I just knew it had to be the creator's. It sounded so tryhard and hopelessly nerdy. That weirded me out more than the flying

I love this title Evan.

I'm a little OCD over games now-a-days, especially RPG games. I think it's just the achievement system psyching me out. I'm compelled to play as an all-encompassing superpower, and to save and reload to exhaust all avenues of play.

While that's true, I kind of like consoles being the bassline of PC games; it saves me having to upgrade more frequently than I'd like. We all know if it was PC only from now on, GPU companies would go nuts with publisher partnerships.

I really liked the DS4 at first. Then I played with the X1 pad. My god, it feels great. The bumper buttons are nightmarish though. Wth

It really doesn't look like a 60 dollar game. I'm sure it's worth more than most AAA games, but it feels strange paying 60 bucks for it.

Weird how the art style affects that.

I hope it isn't 60 on Steam. But I'm excited for the game. I love Obsidian, Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

I've been having a lot of fun selecting mods for Left 4 Dead 2. It makes me really excited to begin making my own mods.