
another month,
another “dark mario bros”

Bendis wrote the definitive Spidey for me until Ultimate Spidey #100-or-so. His run on Miles went a bit too slowly for my tastes, but the dialogue was still the best. I’m really exciting to read this one. Slott’s current Amazing started off awesome as like a good-guy Superior and a continuation of what made him seem

Old DBZ had good art. This does less so, and the characters have acquired a kind of “homogenized” build. That said, I’m a fan of the new costumes.

This is taking them years to finish, and it’s helped by the fact that they live close to a lot of the sources that Capcom used for textures in the original game. People shouldn’t be too hard on Capcom in this particular case. HD textures of this quality would have increased the budget a whole lot since it goes beyond

Batman’s kind of nothing cool.
He’s a billionaire trained as a ninja and puts on a dusty old batsuit to slink around rainswept city streets, balancing on girders like a circus clown, hookshotting up to rooftops, and beat up poor people. I feel disillusioned and confused as to how I ever thought he was as grandiose as

Bro. I know, Bro.

I like the post punk influence.

I have one almost exactly the same!
Mine has subtitles.

Yeah, they’ve already shown the covers for Amazing Spider-Man comics 20 and 20.1

No mention of the 19s tho.

My friend was doing this with extra cards, but never to this level. Is this new or just a great example of it?

Seemed like ad lib, but all in the spirit of a fun competitive event. Seems like HungryBox was maybe pushing it, but Reggie was a great sport.

Different team worked on Thi4f.

I was stressed out at the way exp was handled as well on my first playthrough back when the game came out: it rewards the player most for knocking everyone out and stealthing. Killing anyone with your arm blades makes noise too, which is dumb. BUT, having played it nearly 3 times in this

Much better title than Universe

Internet culture has people so desensitized that they think threats like that are in good humor.

It just seems disproportionate, but men pay money for doms who do not necessarily have sex: one-sided relationships are of common knowledge. If it works for her, then all of the power to her. Obviously she doesn't have the most popular opinion. She's putting herself out there, so, like anyone else, I think it's

The MK song synchs up very well. I liked System when I was 12-14. The song just feels really weird in the TV spot though.

I do think the MK song captures nostalgia more-so than anything else. I don't know if anyone younger would get hype to it.

It's honestly still the best shooter. I grew up with Quake 2 and have loved shooters ever since. I played Ultimate Doom in '09 on Xbox and it was easily the best shooter I'd ever played.

Conversely, I think Doom 2 is a little convoluted in the map department and Doom 64 is even worse, but it looked nice.

I played

What was wrong with UT3?

Somebody has already patched this into his own game. He's getting the bugs ironed out.

Similarly, Resident Evil 5 got a fan patch that added split-screen to no error.

More and more people are hooking their computers up to TVs, so it's a nice quirk to have. The main problem is being advertised that it has local co-op

This makes the 14 yo goth that's still alive and kicking in me all the more excited.