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This doesnt surprise me at all. Hell a lot of other industries are facing the same issue, Oil and Gas in particular come to mind.

I mean, I’m sure the used car market would love a few hundred thousand extra vehicles on sale.

Sure looks like a 6th gen Maxima to me

Get rid of the wood trim and this is pretty damn close to a 2020 version of the Subaru Mediocrity.

We are currently in the longest bull market in US history. Since 2009 its been nothing but up. I dont care who the president is, all that goes up must come down.

The overwhelming percentage of foreign automakers that make cars in the US make them in the south. It is a much more employer friendly environment due to the lack of unions and more prevalent right to work laws. 

Very true, but thats not what caused GM or anyone to leave the city. In fact the city has gone to the extent of condemning large amounts of private land just to maintain their presence in the city.

The country tried that, GM still closed their Ohio plant, and others have closed theirs too.

Wait, so are they a minority that needs to be protected or are they the real Americans that the coastal elites forget about? I’m confused now.

You are absolutely right.

Rural areas cover 97% of this countries land and less than 20% of the US population lives there.

Like I mentioned earlier, there absolutely are places that dont fit into the descriptions above. However they are few and far between.

I think the suburbs that are designed like the one called out above are the ones that will become very expensive to live in going forward.

I mean, if you are going to paint a broad stroke to say there is literally no reason to live in one of the worlds most preeminent cities I’m happy to paint broad strokes in response.

And that is the trend going forward to try and alleviate the things I pointed out above and attract a younger group of people as urban areas get more and more popular. And if your happy where you are congrats, thats good to hear.

Because living in a brick McMansion 5-10 miles from anything of interest and the most culturally significant thing in the area being the first McDonalds in the metro suburban area sounds like actual hell to me.

Should have clarified, a rideshare car to get to the bars.


Meh, it was meant to be a joke. I no particular issues with broccoli 

Am I ready? Sure. Am I interested in it? Not really.